Chapter 14- Trapped

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***Upcoming chapter may be triggering... and not meant for those under 18**

I had just got back from my trip and I had noticed my friend post a post about a job opening at his work for his dad's airplane business. I was intrigued. After all, I do love planes and now I could possibly get an opportunity to work at an actual airport? How cool would that be? Before my trip, I attempted a job at Milwaukee's airport for a day, because I thought, why not?

I had recently discovered that I was, in fact, not discharged and I had to now figure this out. Like, did I still have to go once a month? Do I have to get reshipped out? Also, how is this even possible? I guess I am normally that 1%, aren't I? But either way, I had an appointment with the pulmonary doctor. I had to cover all my bases, just in case they discovered this error and I could get back in. I was writing my sergeants about this quite often because I didn't want to be marked as an AWOL either, but yet it still made no sense to me, but hey, I wasn't hating it and was glad I was still in, somehow.

I found out about still being in from the Air Force sergeant helping to recruit me. He said they couldn't proceed with paperwork or getting me to MEPs because I was still enlisted in the Army. I was like, what?!

Now that I knew I was enlisted still, I had to make sure I had availability for if they were to call me. So when the crazy lady in charge of the airlines I was going to work for in Milwaukee told me I had to dedicate my entire time, their time, when they called me, to work. I asked about the military. She said, even then. Uh, no wait a second here. That's not how that shit works, lady. You can't just tell them no like that. (And I never would want to, that would be my main priority anyway because I actually enjoyed that...) She apparently doesn't know when you're called to service, no matter what it may be, that's a priority and your job is supposed to be there when you return. *huge eye roll* 🙄 This was hilarious, but also, uh nope, I'm out, type thing.

That's why when I saw this opportunity my friend had for me, I jumped on it! I was excited to try this and see planes!

Beginning of April, I officially, started. They had me train for a week on 1st shift, and I pretty much got the hang of it, but I was going to be working second shift. I was excited either way. Didn't matter which shift I was on...

So after I started there one, my now boss (my friend), had this one friend of his message me on Facebook. Now to be clear, my boss did not tell this guy to write me. This is important because I don't want to key in that he was in charge of this person choosing to write me. That person just shared mutual friends with me and one of them being my boss. Because of the mutual friends is why I started talking to this guy.

This guy would send me the stupidest shit in Messenger. Legit nudes. You don't fucking do that! That was weird as shit, and you would think I would see this as a red flag, but no, I was trying to not think about the last gross thing I did, and oddly this flattered me, but I had no intention of screwing and I told this dude that, but yet he kept sending nudes. One day I actually go over to his place to hang out. I know fucking sounds stupid, right?! I'd like to state, at this very moment in time, I was not of stable and sound mind. I literally had to save my family from my house starting on fire (and no this was not from the damn candle of Moon and mine...) for a few months I had kept seeing smoke in the laundry room (the room right behind my room in the basement) and I brought this up to my mom and Rae, but it was almost as if they brushed it off. I would smell a burning smell after and one day I called we energies to make sure it wasn't radon or some other chemical gas, it wasn't, so I kind of threw it in the back of my mind. Didn't think twice about it. Well, the smoking happened again, I went in the laundry room to see what was going on, and then it started sparking and I legit saw it turn into a full-blown flame, quick as fuck! I hurried up the stairs and told everyone to get out, now! They were stumbling over their feet and worried about their shoes. I said fuck the shoes and bring them with you! Grabbed their jackets and mine as we walked outside and had them put their shoes on there. While I was getting them out I had called the fire department and was on the line with them and was telling them the situation. They had told me what was the cause (the wiring in one of the outlets was wrong) we knew the whole house was wired wrong, and this didn't shock me one bit. All I knew, is I didn't want to be in that house anymore, and here is how I ended up over at this guy's house. Not smart, but I was scared to go back home, I mean they said it was safe to go back in, but I legit was paranoid now. Yeah, I helped get everyone out of the house and acted well under pressure, but that didn't mean my mind was fucking with me. I had to get my family out of that house as soon as a possible and I had no idea, or really the means to do so... so I had to get out to clear my mind... BIG MISTAKE!

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