Chapter 8- Basic Training- White Phase

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Nizza POV

When the banners turned to this phase, this was pretty self-explanatory what we did. We'd wake up every day and start our PT per the usual. Do all the fun exercises like random company runs for 2 miles in the morning. Normally Senior drill daddy was in charge or it was Lt. Alpha. (Not to be confused with female DS Alpha who was our drill mommy) Lt. Alpha was a guy. The same guy that inspected our bags on day one. Very nice guy. (This gets confusing for me, too, I mean I could just use their last names, most are common, but where is the fun in that then?)

Another thing we'd do is bring all our kettlebells down, the elastic bands and the sleds and weights for mock sprint drag carry drills or just different variations of exercises we could do with kettlebells and different reps, or putting weights on our back while we did push-ups.

(I currently have a huge migraine writing this... but I feel guided to write, so bare with me... while you wait, you should hydrate... 😆 grab a glass of water and enjoy this soon-to-be shit show... )

We did these types of drills almost every day. Aside from Saturdays when we would relax the muscles by rolling them out and doing "sttttttttttrrrreeeettttcccchhh" es with the bands. I wrote it like that because every morning Senior drill daddy Brad Pitt would say it this certain way and emphasize the word. We would seem to repeat after him, and it was quite hilarious. And the common quote for DS Charlie was "fuck yeah boi." Also, a common thing we randomly quoted, or our battle buddy's phrase of "respectfully". Oh, I could go on and on... we even incorporated this into our battle cry... "Hooligans, we run this shit... ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... Fuck yeah boi!" See? I told you... but let me tell you why we got to this point and why most platoons hate us... there are a few things I left out from the red phase, that honestly I think I just forgot to write. Lol, One thing was the time we did was the teamwork development course. Before we started victory tower we had a guy named Dave (yeah I'm not butchering his name, I don't really know what else to call him, he was "Dave" and Dave was a motivational speaker) this guy would speak to us after major events like victory tower, gas chamber, and other events, not the teamwork one, though. This is what we did before victory tower and I remember that because it was an obstacle course we all had to complete it together. First, we had all the girls go first and the boys trailing us behind. First, we went under barbed wire, run jumping over logs, climbed over a wall and landed saying our platoon name, going through tunnels, jumping over walls, crawling in the mud, monkey bars, and kept going. Our team won that exercise. We placed 1st. We also took first in the first ACFT. So other platoons were hating that we had those two banners already and their drill sergeants were a bit more strict after that, especially the 4th platoon.

Oh crap! I forgot to mention the other two platoon names before!! 3rd-Beserkers.... 4th- Smooth Operators... ok cool caught up on that. Lol

Back to the story... well now that we entered the white phase, it was time to start learning how to use our weapons and my favorite part of training! So first we had to zero our weapons. I have DS Bravo from the 3rd platoon helping me. We had taken the busses to the range to work on zeroing our weapons. We would shoot, then our battle buddies would shoot. The first time I had Donald as my partner. He was a very analytical to the point kind of guy. He was our line leader eventually and felt obligated to look out for us. (Well, this was after the range. That was more toward blue phase almost...) But Lt. Hottie was there that first day and he was making sure everyone stayed in line and kept the weapon pointed down range at all times and away from people. (Yes, show that enforcement... hey... I can be in my thoughts, again, I never said or did anything it was all in my head, and trust me with SHARP there was no way I would EVER even consider intimating anything with anyone at basic. They made that shit very clear and I was very keen on making sure I followed every rule, but hey, I can let my mind drift a little from time to time and crush on him. Shit, every girl in that bay had a crush on one of the drill sergeants; either drill daddy or DS Charlie. How is this any different? Plus I love a man who takes charge... leave my dirty thoughts out of this! Ugh... ok back to story) After we shot we would have to clean up the cases and return them to ammo detail and break down our weapon to show we didn't have any on person. We would get patted down and then we'd go stand in our platoon area until it was time to go. I did great on zeroing the weapon. I was a natural at that. It was those test days that would get to me... We were doing our backup iron sight at this point. I also discovered I was a left-handed shooter. See when you make a triangle and focus in on an object in the distance you close both eyes, which ever eye is open to where that object doesn't leave your hand triangle is which eye you should use to aim and which handed shooter you probably are. There weren't many of us left-handed shooters, but I was glad I discovered that early on, it would have made things way more difficult later on.

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