Headcanon 7: Gamer Boi

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Bob as a gamer... Where do I start? 

Let's begin with when he was a child. 

He was introduced to gaming during his elementary school years. Bob saw some children playing with some sort of handheld device and he would watch them play. Bob would ask if he could play and sometimes, when they were in a good mood, they would let him, but of course, only for a very short moment. But those short moments sparked something in him.

I feel like Bob would ask his parents on his birthday or Christmas or whenever he got the chance. He would ask if he could get one of those handhelds he saw the kids at school have. They will probably say something like:

“We don’t have the money.”

and that he’s “Too young” to have one.

His parents would probably even get to the point of being angry towards him and threaten to beat him if he kept asking.

Bob did end up stopping. But he still deeply wanted one. He would go to his local game store in town and often looked at everything and would go to electronic stores and look at everything there too. 

Then one day, his dad got a console. Not for Bob though. His dad would play on it after his long day at work and all throughout the weekend. Bob would watch his dad play in the living room and he was mesmerized by it. He knew consoles existed but didn’t even think about asking to get one because he knew it was expensive. He only really focused on the handhelds as that was what he mostly saw kids play with and wasn’t as expensive as the consoles.

Bob asked if he could play and, surprisingly enough, his dad allowed him to. He even made a separate account for Bob. But he warned him not to mess with his account, or break anything to which Bob promised not to.

Bob’s dad didn’t really care what his son played. 

The only games that his dad had though were some first-person shooter games and some other M-rated adult games that were not really appropriate for Bob’s age.

Although, Bob really enjoyed playing them. Especially the first-person shooter games even though he was terrible at playing them. 

I don’t think his mom, who probably doesn’t work or is perhaps part of an MLM (multi-level marketing) scheme, cares about how long he plays. She’s just glad he is distracted and isn’t bothering her.

However, I feel like his dad would get him off so he could play. He doesn’t allow Bob to play when he’s at home because “This is the only downtime I have.”

So, Bob only really has time to play after school. 

When Bob gets older, probably in his teenage years, he got his own console! Which is actually just a hand-me-down from his dad while he gets the brand-new one. But Bob is excited because he finally has his own system to play on! 

Bob is still more interested in first-person shooting games. But other games do interest him too, such as horror games. Although, this time, he has joined the online world. And that’s when the yelling and the fist-banging habit started to occur. I feel like it probably got bad one time to the point that his mom barged into his room and ripped the controller out of his hand and ripped his headset off his head. She probably started to yell at him too, threatening to “Beat his ass” if he doesn’t start being quiet and probably threatening to break the console if he keeps it up. The people online he was with probably also heard all that, making him quit the game for the day.

When Bob reached his adult years and finally lived on his own. He didn’t really have time to play games. Since he was working and also had other hobbies…

But, when he does have time, he plays his first-person shooter games. Now that he lives on his own, he shouts and curses all the time. He even would bang his fist on a table to get the anger out. He would never throw his controller though. They're pricey.

I like to think he would say something like:


”FUCK YOU, MAN!” *bangs fist on table*



I think Bob would also need a special type of controller and need joystick accessories because his hands are so big, the normal ones are very uncomfortable and give him awful hand cramps. 

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