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"Rhea...." Ranbir was startled.

Prachi's traits fought with all her will to beat Rhea's traits.

However, Rhea's traits didn't give in that easily. She was almost caught.

Ranbir thought he was thinking too much about Rhea-Prachi connection that he had an illusion.

“Prachi...I thought, I just saw someone..."Ranbir thought it was pointless to bring up that topice and ignored it.

Karan who was vacating in the same resort almost choked on food when Prachi informed him about the same.

"I already texted Rhea about ditching reharsel and taking a break. She agreed without making a fuss. I wonder why she showed up all in sudden." She yelled.

"What was going on in Rhea's life that we didn't know? Why does she have to come out all of sudden?" Karan wondered.

He had no option but to check Rhea's mobile. His duty was Prachi's safety and Rhea almost put Prachi in dangerous situation. Of course it was dangerous, getting exposed in front of Ranbir in worst way possible was not something her heart could afford.

Rhea barely had any contacts. Most active being Sid's.

"So she wanted to talk to Sid? They seem to have become good friends!" Karan thought after going through their chat.

Sid was kind of person who influences people greatly. He could change Rhea aka the brain controlling her too. Karan should do what Prachi wants. He decided to wait for Prachi's decision after letting her know about Rhea's bond with Sid.

"My thought process did change a lot. May be it's the reason why Rhea is changing too. I feel sorry for her. But I feel sorry for me too. Anyway, I will sort out things soon, just give me sometime to think it over." Prachi said.

Karan didn't want Prachi to be pressurized, the girl had enough in her plate always. He let her be and dialled the house help,
Miss Presha if she noticed any significant changes in Rhea's behaviour.

Since Ranbir didn't ask her anything about Rhea, Prachi was relived. She played along like nothing ever happened and they continued with their plans.


"How beautiful they are!" Prachi sighed leaning on Ranbir's shoulder as they sat next to eachother on sea shore, stargazing the night.

"Yeah... it's so beautiful! Just a second!" He took out a star projector from his bag. The one that she gifted him when they just started dating.

"Did you bring it with you?" She wondered fascinated by beautiful sight of natural stars in the sky, and projected stars on the land.

"I have bunches of them, that I bought myself. But it's the first time someone gifted me one other than  my mom. My mom still buys me glowing star pillows, and sticks glowing stars on my bedroom ceilings too." He smiled.

"What's your first impression of me?" She asked.

"Mmmmmm...I felt like you are cheerful and confident...and honest!" He said wrapping his hand around her shoulder.

'Confident? So confident that I hide behind alter ego. So honest that, he doesn't even know who I'm.' Prachi thought.

"You know what..." She looked him in the eye.


"I'm very tired." She said scooting closer to him.

"Just say you want to hug me." He chuckled.

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