Change pt. 2

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Zuko woke in agony.

He blinked his eyes open and realized he couldn't see out of his left one.

He put his hand to the bandages wrapping his head as he remembered what had happened.

He remembered the cruel plan the general tried to implement, wrongfully sacrificing recruits that believed in their nation.

He remembered the Agni Kai he agreed to, thinking he would have to fight the old general.

He remembered staring at his father, shaking in fear as he begged him for forgiveness.

He remembered the foolish relief he felt when his father held out his hand. The thought that maybe this time his father wouldn't punish him.

He remembered his father's words as pain engulfed his entire world.

You don't deserve the blessing Agni gave you. You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.

He fell back into a dreamless sleep as he fainted from the lingering pain.


It had been a few days since his nephew had started to wake up.

He had always fell back under within a few minutes, delirious from pain.

Iroh watched his sleeping figure, looking toward the bandages that covered his face.

He recalled his brother, and how he burned the beautiful golden tattoo that used to cover his nephew's left eye.

Iroh felt unimaginable shame, remembering how he looked away as his nephew was burned and banished. His nephew trusted him and he froze in the moment Zuko needed him.

I am sorry nephew...

As if responding to his thoughts his nephew started to wake up, slowly opening his right eye.

Iroh looks into his eye, seeing that they were cognizant. Iroh saw his nephew's despair at that moment, the full reality of what had happened hitting him in that moment.

"Good morning nephew."

Zuko was dead silent. He didn't know how to face his uncle. He was told not to speak during the meeting but he did anyway.

I'm an idiot...

"I'm sorry uncle... you told me not to say anything and I did anyway. I was stupid and dishonored myself. I should've...."

Zuko flinched heavily as Iroh put his hand on his shoulder. Iroh slowly took his hand off Zuko's shoulder, berating himself for being careless.

"Never apologize for this Zuko. You stood up for your people, for your nation. You were the only one in that room that had any honor, including me."

Zuko watched with wide eyes as his uncle bowed to him with tears in his eyes.

"I am so sorry nephew. I should have never let you go through that. I failed you and I am sorry."

Zuko felt himself breaking down as he launched himself at his uncle, tears in his eyes from the pain in his head.

They held each other for a long time after that.


"Where are we uncle?"

Uncle had brought him tea after they broke down, and even though he still had a headache the tea calmed him.

Iroh looked away from his nephew, "We are on the Wani. It is an old ship that your father was going to dismantle. He has..."

He watched as his nephews eye went from concern to grim understanding.

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