Part 10

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"He did what?!" Kaleb says. "I know, I know just don't Rafael"I plead. "Fine" he says. "Promise?" I ask. "Promise" He repeats.

I received a text. Rafael- Com to the back of the Soc Hop diner we're having a meeting with the pro labels. Oh great that's exactly what I need, more Donn! I hop on my bike and head to the diner. When I arrive everyone is already there. I get off my bike and stand next to Rafael. He looks at me and smiles. "The meeting has now started" Rafael says. "Good, now lets talk about the fight" Donn says, holding a cigarette in his mouth. "What about the fight?" Rafael asks. I slip my fingers into Rafael's palm. I slowly tighten my fingers around his hand. "Weapons?" Donn asks. At the word weapons I squeeze Raphael's hand. "No weapons, just fists" Rafael responds. Donn sees us holding hands and his eyes narrow. "Fine, no weapons" Donn says. I relax. Donn puts his hand in his jacket pocket. Another cigarette? He takes out his hand which is now holding a black handle with a button on it. Donn presses the button to reveal a knife blade. Its a switch blade! "I'll use this if I have to" Donn says placing a hand on the back of the blade.I squeeze Raphael's hand tighter. Rafael's lips tighten into a thin line. "Meeting adjourned" Rafael says. Donn puts the switch blade back in his pocket. Everyone else leaves except me and Rafael. A smile forms on Rafael's face. "I wanna show you something" Rafael says. He starts walking and I do to. He stops at the top of a tall hill. "Sit" Rafael says. We sit down. Rafael lets go of my hand and puts his arm around me. The sun is low on the sky line and seems to glow a slight pink. "Its beautiful" I say. "So are you" Rafael says, blushing. I blush too. "Viv can I ask you something?" He asks. "Sure" I respond. We stand up. Rafael's eyes glow in the dim light. "I know the labels prohibit us from being friends and even dating but I don't care. Vivina will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. "Yes" I say. He steps closer to me. His lips meet mine into a lingering kiss. He pulls back and smiles.

I come home, my lips still tingling from the kiss. I flop on my bed. My brain is blank and I feel over the moon happy. Everything is beautiful. The birds sing louder, the stars shine brighter, my brain feels light on my head and all my thoughts are about Rafael. I think about his big glasses, the beauty spot over his lips, the way his blonde hair is pushed back, his sharp jawline that could chisel granite, his small blue eyes, the way his eyes wrinkle when laughs, his bright white smile, the dimples that form when he smiles, his small forehead which is hidden by his soft hair,his small nose, his thick eyebrows, his angular cheekbones, the way his small lips are so soft and gentle. Before I know it I've fallen into a deep sleep and I dream of Rafael.

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