Part 4

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Kaleb is sick today so I'm standing at the bus stop by myself. Rafael comes and stands next to me. "Hey Viv" He says. "Hey" I respond. I look at him and realize how blue his eyes are, how cute his glasses are and how attractive he is...maybe I don't like Kaleb. "Where's Kaleb?" He asks. Does he not wanna hang out with me? "Not that I don't wanna hang out with you, I do, I was just wondering" He says. He read my mind! "I understand, He's sick today" I respond. He adjusts his glasses and nods. He shaved, I just noticed. "You shaved?" I ask. "Yeah, you like it" He rubs his hand on his now clean shaved face. "Yeah it looks good" I say blushing. Why did I say that I'm such a idiot! He blushes too. "Thanks, I was pretty insecure about shaving my goatee" He says. "I like it" I say. Filter what you say through your mind please, think about the outcome. Please. He blushes more. "Viv can I tell you somethin'?" He asks. Ok? "Sure" I say. He scratches the back on his neck. "I-I think I like you or love you or something" He says blushing. I blush too, feeling butterflies in my stomach and my heart feels like its gonna explode. "Do you like me back?" He asks nervously. I feel like I can't talk, I have no words. All I can do is nod. "You do" He says, smiling widely.His smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He has the smile and looks of a jock with the personality of a nerd. He steps closer, his eyes locking with mine. My heart is beating so fast I feel like the whole word can hear it. I notice a beauty spot above his lips that I've never noticed before. I want to kiss him. I never wanted to kiss Kaleb but I want to kiss Rafael. Our lips meet.I feel his glasses push on my face but I don't care. His lips feel soft and his hair feels like puppy fur. I feel more butterflies in my stomach and my brain is blank. He pulls back hurriedly as the bus arrives. "See you later Viv" He says and bolts up the stairs of the bus. I sigh and walk to my usual seat. I sit alone, I should be sad but I feel amazing. I can't believe I  Vivianna Alston just kissed Rafael Mcilroy...and liked it.

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