Part 6

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Its a cold day in Merriford, Denmark. I didn't tell you guys where I lived and thought that was a good Ok. I blow into my hands to keep warm. I'm walking to school today. I don't know why. I see the school newspaper on the door of the school land its a picture of me and Rafael kissing. Oh shoot, we're in trouble. The headline is Jock kisses Nerd. I look inside and see Donn holding Rafael by the collar and punching him. I push open the door and run to him. "What the heck are you doing?!" I yell at Donn, pushing him. "He can't date the likes of you!" He yells "He's a Jock you're a Nerd!". He punches Rafael again. "Well whats my punishment?" I ask. Donn looks confused then angry again. "We don't really have one" He says. "Well I want the same punishment" I say, crossing my arms. Rafael rushes to my side. "No! You can't!" Rafael screams. I notice a dark swelling next to his eye and a bruise on his jaw. "If you can handle it then I can" I say. I look at Donn. Donn throws a punch, pain rushes through my face. He throws another punch at my eye. Principal Perri rushes to us and yells at Donn "What do you think you're doing! God! you've been causing so much trouble lately!". "They broke the rule!" Donn screams. "Is it my rule?" Mr.Perri asks. "No" Donn mumbles. "Then its irrelevant" Mr.Perri says, grabbing Donn by the ear "My office now". Donn heads to the office. "You two go to the nurse" Mr.Perri says to us. We nod and walk to the nurse. "Oh dear" the nurse says "Girl you sit on the bed. Boy you sit on the stool". She heads to the cabinets to get bandages and stuff. I look at Rafael. Even injured he's still very attractive. "You okay?" He asks. "Are you okay?" I ask back. He laughs "Maybe okay will be our always". I love his laugh. I laugh with him. "Have you seen the Fault in Our Stars?" I ask. "Nah, I've just heard the quote" He says. The nurse comes back and applies band aids to our faces. She hands us each a cup of water and sends us off. "I don't know how bandages help" I say. "Neither do I. But you know what I do know?" He says. "What?" I ask. "We need to get rid of these labels".

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