Part 9

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Me, Kaleb and Rafael are waiting at the bus stop when Donn walks to us. He's alone for once and not surrounded by his Jock friends. He takes a little box from his back pocket. Its a pack of cigarettes! He takes a cigarette out of it and takes out a lighter and lights the cigarette. He blows on the cigarette and smoke wafts to our noses. We cough except Rafael. Donn holds the cigarette in-between his fingers. "Heard you guys are tryin' to get ridda the labels" Donn says. "Yeah and we are" Rafael says. "One condition" Donn says smirking. "What?" Kaleb asks. "You gotta fight us pro labels vs anti labels" Donn says. Before me and Kaleb can say no Rafael says "Fine". "Good" Donn says. Donn chucks his cigarette at Rafael's feet, ash spilling out of the cigarette on Rafael's white Vans. Donn keeps walking. Then the bus arrives.

I'm in the hallway going to get something from my locker. The hallway is empty, its the middle of class but I forgot something from my locker. A strong hand shuts my locker. The face reveals Donn. I lean against my now closed locker. "What do you want?" I ask. Donn leans forward and his lips meet mine. His eyes are closed but mine are wide open. His lips taste like cigarettes and I feel like I'm kissing an ashtray. I push him back. "What the heck are you doing?!" I yell at him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too!" Donn yells. I slap him straight across the face, leaving a red hand mark on his face. His face burns with anger and he stomps off. I grab my books from my locker and head to class. I hate him so much and I very much didn't enjoy kissing him. I need to tell someone about this but who?

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