CHAPTER 16: gm_oblotorngationated_helihelicalhuey

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Well, that was quite an action-packed movie. I must say that the female lead, W-Wan-...Wan Shê- Fuck! I forgot what the rest of her name was and don't know how to pronounce it, the credits scrolled by too quickly! Anyway, her Kung Fu looked very impressive—not that I am knowledgeable in martial arts, but it seemed very realistic.

Looking to my right, I can barely see Croissant's orange hair, no matter how vivid it is. It seems like the night vision goggles on my face don't work, although I'm not entirely surprised since the PlayerModel is only a port of a ragdoll addon made for posing.

"Hmm... I'm gonna have to get used to this. No weight means more control will have to be put into both of my arms n body... Hehe~..." Whoa, that laugh Croissant let out was rather creepy.

I turned my head around to observe the reactions of her colleagues, and yeah, there was an all-around feeling that Croissant was being a bit more peculiar than usual. Probably because if our earlier conversation had gone differently, she wouldn't be here sitting next to me, inspecting her newest procurements with glee.

"So, which one of her movies were you two watching?" Sora asked. Honestly, there was so much shit going on in it, I don't think I'd be able to differentiate between any other of the movies. All I know was that the film had the word 'iron' in it.

I shrugged as an answer to Sora's question, and when Sora was about to ask Croissant, she was cut off as the Forte let out another creepy giggle.

Oh well.

Time to check out the rest of the landship!

Pushing myself up off of the couch, I twist my body around towards the exit of the room.

"...Hey, Construct, where ya goin'?" Exusiai asked.

I turned and made my left-hand flat, put it to my forehead and oop— I bumped it into my NVGs by accident. Anyway, I made a gesture of scouting around, exaggerated by looking around in broad motions.

"...Ah, you're gonna go look around right? Oh well, go and have lots of fun then!" The Sankta bounced as I turned back again. Damn, I'm turning around a lot today...

Making my way out of the dark room, leaving the rest of Penguin Logistics with Croissant, I'm now back out in the metallic hallway. There was not a single soul in this corridor, probably getting ready for work. Either way, I'll be exploring this landship to its fullest because I actually want to relax after mini-nuking that tower.

Eventually, I arrive at a clearing. This place is still a maze, and the temptation to spawn a Nextbot grows stronger, but that would be silly and counterproductive. I want to explore, not be explored!

Mmm... It kind of looks like some sort of a lounge. It's a bit bare-bones if it is. Several grey couches and thin, metallic coffee tables. But what caught my eye was the carpet.

Who in the hell designed this? This carpet is teetering on the edge of being okay or just plain bad. It sort of looks like some kind of jawbreaker with muted colours and lots of straight lines at awkward angles.

Realizing that there was an abundance of ambient light coming from the ceiling, I looked up, noticing that there were several long skylights that brought in the sunlight.

Hm... I suppose it's alright. Now where to go next—

Oh? Somebody just got here... It's some dark blue catgirl and had some sort of large weapon case slung over her left shoulder. Oh, man... is that a gigantic anti-material rifle?

Also, holy shit! She looks hot. Now that I think about it, is it just normal for people to look so stunning and gorgeous here or something? I didn't comment about it at the time, but I remember back in Lungmen City, a lot of the citizens were some real eye candy. Oh yeah, can't forget about the Penguin Logistics girls. They're on a whole 'nother level.

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