chapter 13

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Marinette laughs and Adrien looks at her with love in his eyes. "Your laugh is so beautiful", he says in a tender tone.

"Awww thank you", Mary said while giggling. They got into the car and drove off.

They were at a restaurant and they both had a good time, Adrien was making Marinette laugh so hard that her side started to hurt.

She didn't even know he was that funny. Marinette sighed, Adrien looked at Mary.

"Hey what's wrong?", He asked in a concerned tone. "Nothing I just... Had a really great time tonight", she said while smiling.

(By the way it was already night when they came out of the restaurant)

He smiled and said, "well I'm glad you had a good time", Marinette got a little sleepy so she lays her head on her side window and closes her eyes.

Adrien smiled as he sees her drifting off to sleep.

Marinette woke up the next morning. For some reason she got up with a smile on her face.

She wasn't groggy like every morning. She sighs happily and stretches her arms.

She got up from bed and got ready for work. She got into her car and was driving to school.

Then it hit her. She didn't even remember getting home last night.... So how did she get into bed.

The last thing she remembers was drifting off to sleep in Adrien's car. Maybe Adrien drooped her off? But that's impossible Adrien doesn't even know her address....... Or so she thought.

She was confused and racking her brain for answers. She then got to the school and went to her classroom.

When she got to her class, she opened her door and closed it behind her. She puts her bag down on her desk and turns around.

When she does she meets Adrien sitting at his desk in the back of her. She gasped, "oh Adrien.. you scared me", she said smiling but releaved it was him.

He got up from his seat and walked over to her. He pulled her by her waist and kissed her softly.

One of the guys that admired marinette so much came early because he wanted to her how he felt.

His name was Nathaniel, he had red hair, and his hair covered one side of his eye. He loved Marinette and he wanted to tell her how he felt.

He walked up to her class and was about to open the door but stopped. (Ya know those doors that have like a square glass in it and it's kinda like a window but it's in a door, that's Mary's door)

He looked through the glass to see Adrien kissing Marinette. He was shocked. Adrien lifted Marinette onto one of the tables and began kissing her neck.

Marinette moaned his name loudly. Adrien got so turned on that he took of his shirt and started to unzip Mary's dress slowly.

He kisses her neck as he does this. Once her dress is unzipped he  kisses her passionately. Nathaniel watched in anger as Adrien unzips his pants and pulls Marinette closer to him.

Nathaniel was really really angry, he felt like adrien was not supposed to be with Mary, it was supposed to be him doing that to her.

Suddenly an idea pops up in his head and a huge smirk appears on his face. If he couldn't get rid of Adrien he knew someone who can.

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