chapter 4

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The class was really noisy without Marinette there to tell them to be quiet. Adrien unpacked his books and materials for English language.

Marinette walked into the class and everyone greeted her. The boys whistled at her.... As usual.

She just smiled. Adrien saw the behavior of the guys towards Marinette and caught on pretty fast that they all are simping for her.

"Good morning class", Marinette replied while putting her purse down on her desk. Adrien sat down and watched her take her things out of her purse.

She rumbled around in her purse then she went into her desk drawers, searching for something. "Ahh", she said as she found what she was looking for.

She took out a stack of papers and was about to put them on the desk but some slipped from her hands.

Adrien got up quickly and ran to her to help her pick up the papers. He helped it pick up some papers.

"Oh thanks", Marinette said while picking up the paper next to her. "No problem", Adrien said in a tender tone while he picked up another paper.

Marinette looked up at him as she saw him picking up the papers. He was so different from the rest, she didn't know how... But she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that he was something special for some unknown reason.

She smiled, "thank you", she said while standing up. "You welcome", he said while handing her the last paper.

He got up and smiled at her, she smiled back and for a moment they both forgot that anyone else was in the room. Adrien's eyes trailed down from her face to her exposed chest.

Marinette noticed and blushes as she saw him look there. "S-sorry m-miss dupain cheng that was v-very perverted of me", he said while nervously scratching the back of his head.

Marinette was turning red like a tomato now. He saw this and smiled. He thought it was really cute when she blushed.

"Anyways thanks for helping me", Mary said in a tender tone. "No problem", Adrien said while smiling. He then walked back to his seat and began to unpack his things for the lesson.

The whole time Adrien could not take his eyes off of Marinette.... And she noticed. She felt someone staring at her really hard and everytime she looked at him he would look away nervously.

She would just blush or smile.

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