chapter 10

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It had been three weeks since they had defined their relationship and had finally taken the next step by being intimate.

When they were with everyone, even though they knew each other, they weren't too attached to each other. Carina had a tendency to hold Maya by the neck or play with the hair that didn't fit in her elastic band, or to have her hand in the small of her loins. But the blonde was less demonstrative depending on who was with them. Most of the time it was her who was holding the hand of the brunette, it was mostly the only affectionate gesture that she allowed herself when they were not alone.

But there they were only both, lying in the bed of Carina, face to face, naked. The Italian woman was resting and Maya had finished her day three hours ago and would only resume with the afternoon shift the next day.

- "again" said Carina

- "It's getting hard now... Uh ... I've already masturbated thinking about you".

- "that's not really a secret! I hope you've masturbated thinking about me! I was only masturbating thinking about you".

- "yes it is! I've never told anyone"

- "you're too much of a prude. If Vic, Andy or Taryn asked me tomorrow, I would answer them directly and honestly. I'm not ashamed of having masturbated to you, even when we weren't together."

- "I hope they don't ask the question... Your turn".

- "ummm once with Andrea, we stole candy from a bakery full of people, but we were young"

- "I'm dating a delinquent"

-"I must have been nine years old and he was five... And I'm Sicilian, so mafia... All that ... Your turn".

- "I feel like a child of heart next to you... I already broke a lamp that my father had from his grandmother and I accused my brother, who was two years old at the time, so that I wouldn't get yelled at".

- "and you had?"

- "four years old"

- "Hmmm you must have been so cute baby... Little, your big blue eyes and your little blonde curls, with your beautiful smile. You were probably given everything. I would love to see that..."

- "You look like you're ready to be a mom" Maya laughed. "Your turn."

- "Hummmm" she had hesitated before she came out with her next sentence "I don't want children"

- "ever?"

- "No, I've never had that desire. I would be happy to be an aunt, for example. And I would really love to see a little you, or just you little... But the day when... When I get married, for example... My wife will have to learn to live with the desire I have to never be a mother. She will have to know how to be content with me".

- "what if you're not the one carrying it?"

- "it's not about giving birth, it's about being a mother. I want to... A dog for example, but I don't want to be responsible for a little human being. I want many things in life but not this..."

- "but you want to get married?"

- "I don't know. I think it's possible. But when I say marriage, it's not necessarily the city hall and all that, the paper and all... It's living with someone forever, moving in together, living together. That's a marriage to me. Do you want kids?"

- "Growing up in Texas is complicated, I've already had a hard time accepting liking girls, so I'll tell you I never really asked myself that question. I always told myself that I would like to be in love already... Then you came along... But I never really thought about anything else but work, especially after you left. But I thought you would have wanted it."

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