chapter 4

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It had been three weeks since Maya and Carina had talked during their night shift together. Nothing had really changed between them, except of course that they were talking more now.


-"So you see, without this simple belt, this whole system wouldn't work. A simple belt, a piece of rubber..." Maya turned to the Italian woman who had her eyes fixed on her jaw. "Carina when I explain something to you it's better if you look at what I'm showing you instead of looking at me"

- "we haven't had sex in four days"

The blonde had taken a surprised look. Indeed, since the weekend at the beach and the Sunday in Maya's room, nothing had happened between them. But at the same time it was more for lack of opportunities and occasions than a real desire of the blonde not to be intimate with her.

"Since you saw me naked"

Maya had moistened her lips, looked at the brunette's mouth and moved her face slightly closer so she could speak low as they weren't alone.

-"Carina, I can assure you that our lack of sex has nothing to do with your naked body. I can assure you that I have very precise images of you naked and that in no way does it repulse me... It would be quite the opposite... Between your body and your skills, I try to control myself not to be intimate every time I meet you because I don't want you to think that I'm interested in you just for the sex. Because I'm not..."

- "Neanche io." [Me neither] "But sex is important to me"

- "Are you always so... Frank?"

- "frank?"

- "direct"

- "yes. I like to have sex with you, I can't tell the other way around"

- "the other way?"

- "yes. You liked it too, yes?"

- "molto sì"

- "brava" said Carina, bringing her face a little closer.
"So sex afterwards?"

- "we could take a shower afterwards, the mechanics make it dirty"

- "Smettete di illuminarmi" [Stop lighting me up] she answered with a smirk

/End of Flashback/

- "Why this smile at breakfast?" Taryn asked, yawning as she saw Maya smiling stupidly with her eyes lost in the dark, as she returned with the brunette to the kitchen area.

Maya had seen Carina near the pilot and had smiled even more stupidly.

-"I was thinking about a dream I had last night."

- "a dream that made you smile so stupidly?"

- "it was a memory but I dreamed it last night"

- "and we can know the bottom of your soul?"

- "I dreamed about my internship at NASA when we had work groups and I trained my partner on mechanics..."

- "and what interesting thing happened during that mechanics class?" Carina asked, surprising both women.

-"It was not so much the course itself that was interesting... Because I could do mechanics in my sleep... But the conversation with my... Binomial" Maya blushed and lowered her head after meeting the Italian's eyes.

-"Should I pretend that I don't know that Carina was your partner?"

- "huh what? Who uh, who told you that?!" Maya said in a higher than usual voice.

- "Um... Carina?"

- "okay..."

- "and so your dream?" Taryn asked.

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