chapter 3

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One month. Carina had been avoiding her ex for a month now. They still had a little more than four months of travel to Mars and at least three time to live on the red planet.

For several days the mechanic had tried to talk to the brunette but she had finally given up when she saw that she had hurt the doctor much more than she thought she had.

Today was Maya's medical appointment, she had been scheduled last and the exams were taking place over several days so everyone else had gone before her.

She knocked on the door of the room where Carina was.

- "Come in."

- "Carina I've come to ...."

- "on the elliptical"

- "Carina we can..."

-"Per favore, silenzio" [please be quiet] she asked, as if defeated.

Maya had gone to the elliptical. The brunette had to come closer to stick the electrodes on her body.

"You can, uh... Can you take off your sweater and shirt please?"

- "yes of course."

The blonde had removed her tops and Carina's eyes had fallen on her chest trapped in a sports bra, then on her abs.
She had cleared her throat.

- "I'm going to uh, stick you with electrodes to track, your... Vitals."

- "Okay."

Maya had straightened up. Carina had stuck the first one over her chest, the contact of her fingers with the blonde's skin had sent a jolt through both of their bodies and the electrocardiogram had shown an already fast and sustained heartbeat, making them all blush and avoid each other's gaze. She had then stuck the second one on the other side. Then a third under the breast.

- "I have to ..." Said she lifting the bottom of her bra to stick the patch practically underneath and the fleshy part.

Carina had swallowed, her cheeks were slightly red and she was thinking about her conversation with Vic and Andy about magnets.
She had then put two of them near her collarbone.

"You can get... Lift up a little bit, I, I need to put some on your ab... Your belly." Her voice was as if breathless, almost inaudible.

- "cml-like this"

- "per-perfect"

She had stuck a patch on each side of her abs and it had taken all the strength in the world not to run her fingers through to caress that part of her body, which she had always enjoyed.

She had then passed the tensiometer around her biceps and once again she had had difficulty not to let venture her glance on the muscular arms of the blonde.

'It's just a body, it's just a body' she repeated to herself to stay focused to the maximum 'a beautiful body, beautiful body, I could just pass my hands and my lips ... Fuck! focus again! It's just a body'.

"Can you put the mask on please?"

The blonde had then taken the mask that was sitting on the wrist of the elliptical and put it over her nose and mouth.

Carina had walked behind her to look at the numbers on the screen.

"Whenever you want."

Maya had begun to run on the elliptical, her arms, legs flexing with each effort. Her glutes were contracting at the same rate as the muscles in her back and the more she ran the less Carina looked at the screen and the more her eyes followed the blonde's body movements.

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