chapter 8

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- "and so nothing happened?"

- "no" Maya replied to Andy as they stood in the gym.

- "and you're planning to act on it before we land on Mars?!"

-"Don't tell me that..." she said desperately.

- "no but I feel like I've been sending Jack to me for over a month and a half and you're the one in love!!!"

- "probably because you've been sending Jack to yourself for a month and a half and I still haven't been able to touch the woman I love"

- "when was the last time you talked?"

- "at the four month party"

- "but that was two weeks ago!!!"

- "tell me about it!"

-"You don't look like you have any bruises and the way you're going at that rowing machine, I guess your elbow is fine."

- "I'm venting my frustration... We work twelve hours a day, I haven't been on the same shift as her for a week, and the only time I could have been there was always someone to suggest something, game night, movie night, whatever! It's like you guys are ganging up on me! Against us... Wait, is Carina asking you this? Or do you really have a plan so we don't end up alone?!"

-"I think the lack of oxytocin is affecting your brain."

- "It's been a week since I got my motor skills back and I haven't even been able to sleep with her."

- "but tonight you're both off? And we don't have any evening planned..."

- "she's on late shift, she might be tired. Why did we have to vote yes to change the shift rotations?!" She said in despair.

- "because some astronaut couldn't wait to tell the love of her life that she loved her, that she put herself in danger, got hurt and to be fair to your boys we decided to make three shifts instead of two and to always have a leader awake... So no more sneaking out for you in the middle of the night to the lab and not many options for sleeping with your beautiful one."

- "oh yeah ... Because of her...." Answered the blonde as if she was talking about a third person. "But tonight is Ben, and if any of you, even you! Dares to suggest a group thing I'll rip your head off"

- "that's pretty radical"

- "it's necessary!"

- "does Carina know there's this much violence in your little body?"

- "Carina is the reason why the violence in my body can be channeled."

- "I would tell the others not to offer you anything... But that would tell everyone that you are going to get laid... And then that doesn't stop Carina from offering something"

- "I hope she will pay attention to the fact that for a week I have been stretching or wearing things in front of her on purpose so that she can see that I'm not in pain anymore and that she will pay attention to the fact that we are both free"

-"And what about this Italian thing?"

- "ah that..."

- "Maya!!!"

- "what?!"

- "are you going to tell her in your vows on your wedding day or on your deathbed?!"

- "wowww and calm down we just found each other, we're not getting married... And how am I supposed to tell her after almost five months? 'Carina by the way I forgot to tell you a tiny detail, I speak and understand Italian perfectly and so since we've been here I've understood every sentence you've ever said to me!' What's for dinner tonight?" she will never forgive me.

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