chapitre 8

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Nefertia. Huh,huh...


Nefertia. I'm going to the garden right now...

Be careful...

I walked for 2 good hours paying attention to all the suspicious noise until I arrived at the palace.

How am I going to get in...

Look to the side there is a hidden door...


I had little trouble finding it while being careful I made my way to the secret garden when I was finally able to get there I saw that there was someone in it I tilted my head discreetly

Nefertia. Hathor...

Hathor. What are you doing there!

Nefertia. Stop Screaming you will wake up everyone!

Hathor. You shouldn't be here...

Nefertia. I have to find the access to the tomb!

Hathor. ...He's in the water...


Hathor. Yes, it was submerged under water so that no one would go there...

Nefertia. I see... don't tell anyone you saw me... Don't worry I'll be back...


Nefertia. ...

Where is he...
Ah I have it mmmm its hard to open...
Hya. Its good to go we hurry up!

Pov. Hathor

Me. Take care of yourself my little lotus...

Horus. Hathor what are you doing...

Me. Nothing I was going home

At the Palace

Bastet. My sister, what's wrong...

Hathor. I'm so scared...

Bastet. Don't worry I'm sure she's fine...

Horus. But she is strong this young girl...

Ra. You three should sleep...

Hathor. Yes we are sorry father...

Ra. I'm sure she's fine...

Bastet. how is nephtis...

Ra. She can't stop crying...

Bastet. ...

Hathor. And Osiris...

Ra. He doesn't want to sleep or eat there anymore...

Bastet. It's not the real Isis...

Hathor. What do you mean...

Bastet. When you said that Isis and Osiris weren't meant to be together I already knew that they got together just for Egypt my Isis would never have forbidden Osiris to take A girl as a servant

Bastet. ....

Hathor. I'm happy for you my sister but if It's not the real Isis who is she...

Pv nefertia

Nefertia. Finally I arrived at this accursed room!

Yes, after being attacked by statutes and having died trying to jump over a ravine that contained scorpions!

Nefertia. Yes, but I arrived anyway!

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