chapitre 4

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I wake up in a dark room...

Nefertia. Mmmm where am I?

???. Your majesty is awake!

Apophis. Ah finally!
Good morning my love !

Nefertia. Sorry?...

Apophis. Don't you remember me?

Nefertia. ....

Apophis. Its no big deal!
We have to prepare you for our wedding!

Nefertia. What a wedding!

Apophis. Our wedding will take place in two days go I let you rest!


???. Are you sure you want to marry her?

Apophis. Yes she is the most precious thing in this world!

I tried to escape several times but without hope...

Apophis. Come on honey, let's try on your wedding dress!

Nefertia. ...

?. Majesty I think she wants to surprise you for the wedding!

Apophis. Really ?

Nefertia. Yes it will no longer be a surprise if you see me!

Apophis. Oh you are adorable!
OK !

?. Don't worry, I'm here to help!...

Nefertia. Really ?

?.yes his Majesty Osiris sent me here!

Nefertia. How are we going to do this !

?. On your wedding day get ready to scream like last time the Guards can't stand your screaming!

Nefertia. Ok, thank you for this information!

After having made several fittings I had to leave...
In the evening after dinner I returned to my room


Apophis. My darling !

Nefertia. ! Yes?

Apophis. I want you to sleep With me

Nefertia. I... I don't feel very well I would like to rest you will have to wait a little longer my dear!

Apophis. Very well my sweet!
I'll wait for our wedding, but then you won't have any excuses!

Nefertia. I see thank you my dear!

The night passed at a crazy speed as the day before the wedding was stressing me a lot how was he going to come...

The wedding day was already here

?. Remember what I told you!

Nefertia. Yes I remember!

???. She is ready !

?.yes you can enter!

???.let's hurry up!


Apophis. How beautiful you are my love!

Nefertia. Thanks ...

??. Can i begun majesty!

Apophis. Get to the point !

??. very good !
Majesty wish you pre-

Apophis. Yes!

??. Very well !
Miss nefertia do you want to take for your husband her majesty !

Nefertia. ... I ....

Apophis. My darling, it's your turn!

Hathor. Now !


??? . ARGH!

Apophis. Arrgh!

Osiris. I got you come on!

We ran towards the others

Hathor. There you are!
I was so scared!

Me. ...

Hathor. How are you?
Ohhh no don't cry!
WE are her !

Nephtis. Poor little angel!
Come on, we're gonna be in the palace soon!

Hathor. he Didn't do anything?

Me. Nope ...

Nephtis. Phew!

10min later

Bastet. Everything went well?!

Hathor. Yes its good!

Seth. The fear of my life!

Nephtis. You have to rest nefertia !

Osiris. I will take care of her!

Hathor. Ok, but if you have any problems, let us know!

He took me to my room

Osiris. Come on you have to sleep now!

Nefertia. Stay....

You want me to stay ?

Nefertia. Yes....

Osiris. You don't pre-

I pulled him into bed and pressed against him

Nefertia. No I want you...

Osiris. Alright I'm staying!

Nefertia. Thanks...

Osiris. Soon nothing will be able to separate us....

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