chapitre 5

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Nefertia. Mmmm....

Osiris. Are you awake?

Nefertia. Yes I slept long?

Osiris. No just one night!
Today I want you to rest!

Nefertia. ...

5min later

Osiris. Come back here you naughty girls!

Nefertia. Ahh hahaha!

Hathor. Its the first I see Osiris having so much fun!

Nefertia. No never !


Osiris. I will catch you !

Nefertia. No, no, no hahaha 🤣

Osiris. Yes, yes, yes!

Nephtis. They are so cute!

Bastet. Aww!

Osiris. I got you!

Nefertia. Nah hahaha!

Seth. I've never seen him so relaxed!

Hathor. Yes, we have to believe that he has finally found the one for him!

Nefertia. The one for him?

Hathor. Haha they call me!

Seth. Hahaha you thought she was deaf!!

Osiris. Come on, go to bed and rest!

Nefertia. Noooooo! I want to stay with you!

Nephtis. Come on Osiris let her stay with you!

Bastet. They are right and its not like you want to stay the day without her!

Osiris. OK...

Nefertia. Thanks!

Bastet. Awww she is too cute!

Nephtis. Yes, we would all like to have her as children!


Bastet/nephtis. Râ!

She left running

Nefertia. Where are they going?

Osiris. annoy  someone else!

Nefertia. Don't be so mean!

Osiris. But I'm not mean!

Nefertia. Lier !

Osiris. Nope!


Osiris. Well maybe a little!

Nefertia. Hahaha !

Ra. Leave me alone !

Bastet.come back!

Nephites. We're not done talking!

Nefertia. We should go he-


Isis. ...

Osiris. You are absolutely crazy!

Nefertia. *grabs axe*


Nefertia.I give it to you!

Osiris. Good throw!

Nefertia.thank you!

Hathor.I heard-...

Isis. She threw an ax in my face!

Hathor. Really ? So why is there a mark right behind it..

Ra. Ahh-...

Bastet. Oh name of Ra!
Nefertia you're fine she didn't hurt you!

Nefertia. I'm fine !
Osiris what are you doing!

Osiris. ...

Nefertia. No, no, no put that ax down immediately!

Nephtis. No Osiris she is not worth it!

Let me take control...

Nope ...

I promise to not kill anyone...

... OK....

Good decision....

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