chapitre 3

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Râ. Really !
Tell me who is she?

Osiris. Don't be ignorant!

Râ. Ok, I'll stop, but you'll have to wait a little longer for the annulment of your marriage to happen!

Osiris. How long will it last?

Ra. 2 weeks !

Osiris. I expected worse!

Ra. Yes I know I like to scare like you!
But what is this smell?

Osiris. You mean the smell of lotus?

Râ. Yes its really soothing!

Osiris. I had just finished getting a massage before I heard the news!

Râ. By who ?
I thought you didn't like people touching your back!

Nefertia. By me majesty!

Râ. Oh I understand better!

Osiris. And you, when are you going to find yourself a wife?

Râ. When you'll be engaged again!

Osiris. In two weeks !
Its very close!

Nefertia. Majesty what are you going to do when majesty Isis will learn of this!

Osiris. I will party!


Nefertia. (Party...)

Râ. You just shocked nefertia !

Osiris. Really ?

Nefertia. Don't worry majesty!

Râ. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun in two weeks!

Osiris. Yes to find you a wife!

Râ. You upset me...
Nefertia my darling Can you massage me!?

Osiris. Its my personel servant not yours!

Râ. She has nothing to do there?
Then she can take care of me too!

Osiris. If she has things to do!

Râ. Which thing ?

Osiris. Well she has to help me a-

Isis. What is this divorce story!

Osiris. ...

Râ. He refuses to talk to you!

Nefertia. Majesty you have been caught committing adultery...
His Majesty Osiris has therefore asked for a divorce which will be decided in two weeks!


Osiris.{Tell her I never want to see her again!}

Nefertia. He never wants to see you again!


Nefertia. Calm you majesty...


She pulled my hair which made me fall into the pool that was next to me

Nefertia. ...!

Râ. you  completely sick!

Osiris. How are you?

Nefertia. I'm fine !

Nephthys. What's going on !

Isis. Let go of me !

Nephthys. what did you do Isis!

Isis. Its because of her!

Nephtis. Really... then why did you cheating Osiris...

He took me in his arms to protect me

Osiris. I protect you, you can breathe!

Nefertia. Thank you majesty...

I close my eyes...
When I opened it again I found it in a bed that wasn't mine

Bastet.good she's awake!

Nefertia. What happened ?

Bastet. You fainted!

Osiris. Where is she!

Bastet. I told you to breathe are you will fall!

Nefertia. I'm fine majesty!

Osiris. You scared me so much!

Nefertia. I'm s-

Osiris. I forbid you to apologize!

Nefertia. But!

Osiris. There is no "but !

Bastet. Ouhhh how cu-

Hathor. Where is my little baby!
She didn't hurts that witch !

Nefertia. I'm fine!

Hathor. No you are not well!
She try to kill you!

Nefertia Maje-

Hathor. stop with your majesties now you should call us by our first names!

Nefertia. Bu-

Osiris. Nefertia its an order!

Nefertia. ...Okay Osiris...

Hathor. Aww you are so cute!

Osiris. Hathor returns to my son to see if I am there !

Nefertia. Osiris! You're not very nice!

Osiris. She is used to !

Nefertia. Yes but still!

Osiris. Who cares anyway its what she was going to do next!

Nefertia. Osiris...

Osiris. Yes?

Nefertia. Who will be the next queen?

Osiris. Curious!
I will not tell !

Nefertia. ...

Osiris. Why do you look so sad!

Nefertia. I just don't want you to suffer again...

Osiris. Don't worry the one I chose is trustworthy I know she will never hurt me!

Nefertia. ...

Osiris. But do you love someone?

Nefertia. /// Well yes ...

Osiris. ... Is who is the lucky one?

Nefertia. I can not say it !

Osiris. He is one of the gods?

Nefertia. Yes...

Osiris. He's in the palace?

Nefertia. I couldn't ask you a question!

Osiris. Its an order!

Nefertia. Yes he is in the palace....

Osiris. Ah Seth?

Nefertia. Nope!

Osiris. Thoth, Horus?

Nefertia. Nope!

Osiris. Anubis..

Nefertia. No never !

Osiris. You reassure me !
But then who?

Nefertia. Well-


Osiris. Stay there I'll be back!


???. Come with me!

Nefertia. Ahhh let go of me!

Osiris. Nefertia !

???. Bey bey!


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