chapitre 7

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Ra. Ahhh you finally found an agreement!
I am saved!


Ra. Yes she sued me for it!

Nefertia. Really !?

Bastet. I do not see what you're talking about !

Nephtis. I agree !

Ra. Haan eh in addition you do not assume!

Ateop. Quick, wehave to hide nefertia !

Nefertia. Eh? What's happening ?

Ateop. We must not waste time!

Ra. Tell us what's going on!

Ateop. Majesty Isis arrives to kill nefertia ! She has the dagger of souls!

Ra. No... Quick, you two GO!

Nefertia. Ahhh!

Osiris. Nefertia...

We ran for what seemed like hours before we found ourselves in a small village where hardly anyone lives there.

Ateop. Great Chief its good I brought it back!

Chief. Thank you ateop you at least explain to him I hope!

Nefertia. Yes he told me about Isis...

Chief. My poor little...

Ateop. Is there anything that can fight dagger of souls...

Chef.not to my knowledge you know the dagger of souls only kills humans who will get in the way of its owner!

Nefertia. ...
There is a way...


Nefertia. The bracelets of tears...

Ateop. The bracelet of tears?

Nefertia. This gold bracelet was forged by a woman who had just lost everything she had most precious because of this dagger...
In revenge she locked her tears and the tears of her dead child inside so that whoever wears it can defeat the most powerful magic but I don't know where the bracelet is.

???. It is in the tombs of atanira...

Chief. I present to you my wife inite!

Inite. Delighted !

Nefertia. Also, do you know where the tombs are!?

Inite. Yes, but there is a very big problem...
To be able to access the tombs you have to go through a secret garden which is in the palace...

Nefertia. I know where he is!

Inite. It's getting late...

Nefertia. Yes, way too late...

Inite. Come eat with us!

After eating we went to bed

Pay attention to the status...

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