Chapter 8

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2 more days.

2 more days until I'm able to fulfill my desire.How can I possibly contain my excitement.

Sitting against the couch I pick at my nails trying to get the remaining dirt out of it but as usual nothing ever seems to go my way.Tapping my foot against the hardwood floor I wait impatiently for the old man to arrive.How can you claim the information your about to give out is so important and your still late.It can't possibly be as important as he claims it to be.

Such an unpunctual old man.It's not surprising at all and rage slowly settles in.

Five minutes later the door opens and the old man walks in.I scoff at his lame attempt of acting imitating.Such a rip off.

I can't wait till he drops dead.

Looking towards me he begins to make his way towards me flashing his disgustingly yellow teeth.Good gracious they seem to be getting yellower as the days pass by as if he's not brushing them at all and I thought I was psycho.It's embarrassing really, a grown man not knowing how to brush his teeth should really rethink his way of living maybe even kill himself of and discard this world of one less problem.

The horrid breath problem to be precise.

Standing in front of me I look up and stare blankly at him.

"So what's the oh so important news you so badly wanted to tell me old man."

Bringing his hand up to rub against the slight grey stubble on his chin as he stares at me in thought, deciding I've had enough of his creepy stare I speak

"You just gonna stare or are you going to talk."

"Silence young lady and watch your tone while you're at it."

Rolling my eyes I let out an irritated huff of air.

"We will be leaving and moving locations soon so prepare yourself and behave, that is all."he says as he begins to walk towards his desk.

That's it?That's what he called me here for.I waited at least 30 minutes for this idiot to tell me the oh so important news and that's all he has.What the actual heck.

Abruptly I stand up walking out the room ignoring the guards telling me they have to escort me back to my cell and to slow down.I'm freaking fuming, seething even and absolutely irritated.Not only did he waste my time, his oh so important news was something I was already aware of.


Getting to my cell I swing the door open while walking in before slamming it close.

Running my hands through the knots in my head I take deep breaths trying to calm myself telling myself it isn't worth my time or energy and it certainly is not.

Walking to the left corner I sit down embracing the cold chill racking throughout my body, how tired I am being the only thing on my mind before I'm consumed by darkness.


Opening my eyes I snuggle further into the cold dirty blanket trying to fall into the comfortable state of darkness but it seems inevitable.Groaning out I toss and turn embracing the painful feeling of my ribs digging into my sacred flesh.

Turning onto my back I stare at the ceiling while wandering off into my thoughts.I needed a plan.I needed to get somewhere where sharp utensils are stored like a kitchen.Or maybe a gun.That's exactly what I needed to get but the question is how do I get it?Deciding not to dwell on it too much and leave those actions for that day, I decide to focus on something else.Like those pretty grey eyes.Come to think of it I haven't seen him all day.I wonder where he could've gone.

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