Chapter 7

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This wasn't supposed to happen nor was it planned in my agenda but hey im here now.I never planned to be kidnapped tortured and starved to death, and deprived of water but I suppose things like this are never planned out by yourself.It seems as if fate has different plans for people like us and while some people aren't okay with that realization, I certainly am I couldn't be more happier.

I've always thought that dying of old age,murder,sudical or whatever case it may be, sounded very.... uninteresting, trivial, boring you could say because why go out like that when there all way more intriguing ways to go about it like shooting yourself in the head or cutting your veins or arteries out or maybe jumping off a building of some sorts and I know it sound just like suicide but it's far from it.

You see It's all in your mindset because while some end their lives in hopes of ending their misery others like me have an entirely different mindset or thinking process I suppose.A goal and purpose we can only fulfill because in our heads nobody else should be allowed to take something so valuable away from us may it be a natural disaster or a human being, to us nothing can stand in our way expect for ourselves because we need nobody, nobody to love, nobody to lean on and certainly not anyone to save us.

We are more than capable of you see so we certainly do not need anybody but ourselves and that, that right there is a fact we are incapable of denying.

This is what we call insatiable.

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