Chapter 2

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Slumped against the wall my head hangs low as I still try to process what I've been told not even less than two hours ago.I want to make myself believe that what I've been told isn't but then i'll be perceived delusional, naive and i'm neither but it hurts, and I'm devastated and angry but what did I expect.Truth hurts but that's just the reality of it.

"You do know that you've been sold right?"


"What do you mean by that? I ask him."

"As in you now belong to me because your so-called family and friends sold you over to me to save their own pitiful lives."

Scoffing I look away from him

"Like I'm gonna believe anything you say."I reply

"Oh but I have proof."

"Yeah okay whatever you say old man."

Grinning,he claps his hands and suddenly the lights are off and a video starts playing.

Maybe if I hadn't doubted him I wouldn't be feeling what I'm right now,maybe I'd still have some hope left,maybe just maybe I wouldn't feel so....numb.


Thinking back I should've known.The signs were there,I saw them but choose stupidly and ignored them.If I hadn't would this be a little easier?Would I have been able to save myself the pain and tears.Maybe not but if I'd known sooner I wouldn't be as devastated as I am right now but that's probably a lie too..

Curled up against the corner of the pen I count the number of breaths I take in, hoping praying it'll keep me sane.

Absentmindedly I pick at the corner of my nails relishing in the pain but suddenly the skin tears and the red substance pours from within.Looking blankly at the cut I huff out a light chuckle before licking the cut the taste of copper coating my tongue.

Turing onto my back I stare at the moldy brick ceiling thinking back to a time when everything was okay, when I had a nice comfortable bed, when I had hot food to fill up my stomach instead of cold stale bread and suddenly I regret being ungrateful at times because while I had everything then I have nothing now.


"How have you been little one?"he says smiling.

Looking away I scoff, I was fine until you decided to bless me with your gruesome presence, I think to myself before turning back towards him.

Gritting my teeth I force a smile onto my face.

"I've been fine, thank you but it seems as if old age is catching up to you,you seem to be getting balder and more wrinkles as the day goes on, oh and not to mention the humpback you seem to be forming."

"I wonder when you'll drop dead old man."I say with a ghost of a smirk sitting on my lips as I watch the smile from his face drop.Laughing at the frown that forms on his face and the tint of red that starts from his neck and rises upward.I think, I think about how fun it is to get a rise out of him and how I'll do it more often but my thoughts are interrupted when his annoying voice speaks once again.

"You think this is funny huh?"pausing, he smirks.

"Don't worry little one,I have another pleasant surprise for you that I think you'll like a lot."

Shivering,a chill runs up my spine, my smile drops and I'm no longer laughing and suddenly I'm thinking of all the possible things he'll want to show me,preparing myself for the worst.

You sneaky old bastard,what could you possibly want to show me.


Leading me towards the familiar metal door, I push it open.Walking inside the old man sits in front of a desk doing absolutely nothing, waiting for me I suppose.

Stopping in front of the desk, I stand there doing absolutely nothing waiting for him to speak, to do anything for that matter because I'm really starting to get the creeps.

Suddenly he leans forward as a smile creeps onto his face, his bright yellow teeth showing once again for the hundredth time.

"Are you ready for your surprise darling?"

"Is this a joke because logically and literally why would anyone be ready for a surprise that's from you of all people."I replied.

He frowns.

"Well that's okay, you'll thank me later I suppose."

Scoffing, I turn away from him looking at the pictures on the wall trying my hardest to distract myself.Looking,I admire a certain painting that has caught my eye. I stare at it trying to figure out what exactly am I looking at.

It looks to be a male,in a field of flowers,blue tulips to be exact but he seems to be....Lonely, disheveled, sadness and forsakenness lurking in his gaze.In the back of my mind i'm wondering what thoughts lurked in the artistes head,what exactly was going through his mind as he painted this picture and suddenly I feel like crying.Tears forming at my waterline as I try to keep them at bay and I almost fail but thank god I don't.

Clapping his hands he grabs my attention and the tears vanish as bile rises in my throat begging me to let the contents of it out that probably only consist of stomach acid and stale bread on the beautifully black polished floor.

To say I'm disgusted by everything about him is an understatement. 

"You feeling okay darling?"he asks me and for a moment I think about how genuine the question is until I remember everything he's done.

Frowning, I reply.

"I'd be feeling so much better if I didn't have to see your disturbing face everyday."

Chuckling he shakes his head.

"Well then, I guess we'll just get right into it, yeah."

"Let's get this over with."I say

Grinning, he claps his hand and calls in someone.

Weirdo, I think to myself.

As the metal door opens my heart drops to and I'm hyperventilating, my heart rate picking up while my lungs refuse to fill themselves with air. A knot forms in my throat as I stare at the male in front of me wishing the floor under my feet would swallow me whole and save me from the disaster coming.


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