Chapter 5

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Groaning, my body throbs in pain as I sit up against the wall.With half-lidded eyes I take in my surroundings.The moldy brick walls along with the thin dirty blanket in the corner lets me know that I've been placed back into my pen.

I can't seem to remember anything of the past events as I rack my brain for an explanation.The images are blurry and my head throbs every time I try to remember.

Letting out a huff of air I decide to let the subject go and push it to the back of my mind.The throbbing sensation comes to taunt me once again bringing me excruciating pain.Pulling my legs up to my chest I rest my head against them.Darkness filters in as I begin to fall into slumber letting the illusion world consume me once again.


Opening my eyes I try to blink through the haze that's formed over my eyes trying to focus my vision on the blurry figure before me.One of the guards stand before me crouched down to my level,grey eyes staring at me.

Staring back at him I speak.

"What is it?"

"I was told to ask if you needed to use the restroom."he says

"No,no I don't need to use the restroom."

Tilting his head in what I can only assume is confusion and amusement he speaks.

"You're a weird one aren't you."

Staring at him in confusion and slight disapproval I speak.

"What do you mean by weird?"

Perching his arm against his knees he leans into the palm of his hand staring at me in what seems to be wonderment.

"What?"I say again, annoyance seeping through my tone.

"It's nothing, it's just that anyone would be jumping at the opportunity to get out of this cell and attempt their master plan to escape."

Chuckling lightly, I shake my head lightly understanding where he's coming from.

"I guess you're right but the thing is I'm not just anyone."

"I know that I'd just be wasting my time and energy on something so terribly futile."

Smirking, he stares at me in amazement before he speaks once again.

"You really are a weird one."

Grinning, I reply.

"I guess I am."


Wow.This was amazing, just amazing.It's been at least 3 hours and he's still blabbing about unnecessary and useless talk.Please someone shut this man up I don't think I can take this torture anymore not to mention my feet are freaking killing me.

Gritting my teeth while biting my tongue I keep my mouth shut, not allowing the profanities to slip from within.I'm this close, this close to bashing the bastard's head against the table he's leaning against.

It feels as if I'll go deaf if this continues but like the idiot he is he doesn't notice the clear irritation written across my face and continues running his mouth about things i could care less for.

Tired of his blabbing I speak.

"You done."

And suddenly it's quiet.

Too quiet and I know he's raging on the inside even with the neutral expression he's plastered onto his face.

"So you are?"I say and when I don't get a response I speak again.

"Good, my ears are literally and figuratively bleeding."

Anger flashes through his eyes as his facade cracks.

Men were such gullible creatures, especially big, fat, bold old ones, specifically the one standing in front of me glaring, I assume.

If looks could kill.

"Do you have any idea of how much I hate being interrupted?"

Internally rolling my eyes I scoff.

"Of course I know you hate it, why do you think I do it, except for the fact that I'd rather go deaf than have to deal with your annoying voice and inconvenient blabbering."

Before I know it he's walking up towards me, gripping me by the collar of my shirt while blowing his stinky disgusting breath in my face and it takes everything in me not to gag.What did he stuff down his throat today because it smelled anything but pleasant.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't blow your rotten breath directly into my face."I say

Throwing me I stumble backwards before falling onto my behind.

Welp he's mad.

Seething with rage seems to be more fitting though.

"You've got one smart mouth on you brat."

"So I'm aware."I reply

Clenching he fist he stares at me in rage.

Standing up I dust off the imagery dust from myself before walking towards him and punching him square in the jaw.A cracking sound sounding within the room.

Stumbling back he stares at me in surprise and anger before marching towards me and grabbing my collar once again.

"You psychotic brat!"He screams before pushing me onto the ground while he straddles my waist nearly suffocating me.

Grinning up at him, I speak.

"I may be a psycho but at least I'm not some sick bastard with no sense of reality that doesn't even know how to brush his teeth."

He snaps

Continuously he bangs my head against the polished floor.Laughing I grin wildly at him which only seems to fuel his anger because now he's gripping my head while forcefully banging my head against the floor harder.

Suddenly my vision gets disoriented and blurry as I slowly lose consciousness, everything going black.

God, I just know I'm going to have a terrible migraine when I wake up.


"5 days."


"5 days for what."A voice speaks

Groggily I open my eyes,ears ring and my vision is disorientated but I still make out the words coming out of someone's mouth.

"5 days until we have to relocate ourselves sir."

"Police are looking for her and soon the FBI will be involved too so we have to move quickly."

"Alright just make sure the brat doesn't cause any more commotion for the time being."

"We have to stay on the low."

"As you wish sir."

Leaning against the wall a smile creeps onto my face.Such intriguing information I've just learned.I'll certainly be putting it to good use.


Chewing on the cold and stale piece of bread I wander off into my thoughts, something I've been doing alot lately.

5 days, 5 days till I'll be able to end everything and the rush of excitement didn't help my already unpleasant train of thought at all.All the possibilities, the scenarios of how I could end it all clouds my better judgment and i'm grinning like a ill-person.Would people think i'm... ill maybe psychotic even if they knew what I thought about, the unpleasant scenarios I've made up in my head but I didn't care because in the end i'm the only person that has my back.I live through this torture alone so i'll die through it alone.

In the end the only one I have is me.

I don't need anyone to save because just like the saying goes....

Mount Everest ain't got shit on.

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