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I took a closer look onto his face and truly admired his beauty that was until his eyes opened, scaring my soul out of my body.

"Thinking of sleeping with me already?"

Erika's Pov:

My eyes widened before I quickly opened the door and sprinted for dear life. He was acting so normal, so chill it irritated me.

I snooped around the hallway until I found what I thought was a guest bedroom, I entered the room and closed the door behind me before I layed on the bed, tired and exhausted, my eyes started shutting.


Kingston's pov:

"Fuck, fuck!" I slammed my fist on my marble desk. Where the fuck were they? There was no way that I'd let my own fucking brother destroy another innocents life. This was now out of control.

My phone started ringing, I picked up as one of my men started to speak.

"Sir, we have successfully found out where your brother is."

He said with a light tone.

They always fucking do this, this was why I HIGHLY hated my men. They'd always give you hope only for it to be crushed afew seconds later.

"Where are they? I swear if you're lying to me, you're dead."

I tightened my grip on my phone as I heard him say that Andor took Erika to our family's house. I was above fucking mad. How could he? How could he put Erika near such heartless people?

I quickly got up from my chair before I hung up, I grabbed my coat and left my office immediately.


Erika's pov:

Taking a deep breath I built up the courage to knock on his office door.

I woke up about thirty minutes ago, I freshened up but then I had deep thoughts. Should I go to him? Should I wait until he talks to me?

No, I chose to talk to him.

"Come in!" I heard his raspy voice that made me shiver. I slowly opened the door to find him sitting on his couch with a glass of wine on his hand.

I closed the door behind me as I stood in my spot like a stupid fucking coward. I held my head down suddently scared and nervous.

"What do you want, darling." He asked as he got up from the couch, stepping over to me.

"I-I want to.."

I sighed heavily as I was interrupted by his groan. I looked up at him as he continued to drink his wine. "You look at me when you speak, or else leave." His eyes held dominance.

I slowly nodded before I gulped. "Y-yes." I answered. Fucking dumb bitch, was the stuttering really necessary?

"Uhm, I want to s-speak with my p-parents please." I told him with slight confidence, his brows raised up before he checked the time on his wrist.

"No. After the wedding you can." He answered simply before he started walking closer to me before his lips were only afew inches away from mine.

"You, you said I could talk to my parents and my boyfriend before the wedding!" I spat, I was beyond furious this man had no right to control me and tell me when I could talk to MY parents and MY boyfriend.

"Don't fucking bring your ex up, love." He gritted out. "No! Fuck you! All you do is lie, what is wrong with you? I just want to speak with my family before I'm stuck in this hell with you!" I started to tear up as my blood boiled.

"Erika! Listen and listen carefully, YOU are in this house meaning you FOLLOW the rules in this house, you OBEY everyone and TREAT ME WITH RESPECT!" he had the audacity to grip my forearm painfully tight.

I sniffled and before I could even think, his face turned to the right as his cheek started to turn red. He shut his eyes like he was trying to control himself from doing something he'd regret.

His grip on my forearm tightened, I tried to move my arm out of his tight grip but I fucking failed. "P-Please stop!" I cried. He slowly turned his head back to face me, his eyes were darker, he was breathing very heavily and deeply.

Before I could slap him again with my other arm,

His lips landed on


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