36 - Shopping

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It was a slow recovery for you. Ieiri let you have some freedom, but she made sure you rested in your dorm for most of the time. Kazuko was allowed to stay with you, but usually she only ever came if she needed something. Since your movement was limited, Gojo babysat her for a while.

At first, you thought that was a horrible idea. But that night, when he started telling lame dad jokes over dinner, you realised that maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"What's brown and sticky?" He asked her, crouching by her hospital bed with a grin as she ate steamed vegetables.

"What?" She asked him, confused.

"A stick."

You were sitting on the couch opposite them, head resting on Megumi's shoulder. You rolled your eyes with a smile, and she giggled a bit. 

"Tell me another!" She asked.

"Hmm... well, since you're eating vegetables, I would tell you a vegetable joke, but it's pretty corny."

She laughed again.

"Yeah, it is," Megumi muttered.


"What's red and smells like blue paint?"

"What is it?"

"Blue paint!"

Everyone else in the room was unimpressed, except for Kazuko. She kept laughing at his dad jokes and asking for more. 

You let him show her around the school and take her places rather than stay in your dorm with you. Sure, he wasn't the best person to take responsibility for her, being very immature himself, but you figured it was for the best. She needed someone who acted like a child, someone who she could consider a friend.

On the second day since she woke up, Gojo took her to a shopping centre to go get clothes and offered for you to join.

"You can have any clothes you want," He said to her with a grin as the three of you walked past shops.

"I'll wear anything," She told him.

"Hmm... what do you want to wear, though?"

"I don't know..."

"If you can't decide, I'll find some things for you. Don't worry, I've got style."

"All I've ever seen you wear is that white button-up with grey pants," You said to him.

"Hey!" He said, clutching his chest as if he had been wounded, "It's stylish, ok?"

Gojo led the two of you into a nearby clothing store. Kazuko stared around at the shirts, dresses, jackets and pants surrounding her; she then observed the clothes that the other people in the store were wearing. She looked unsure and a bit overwhelmed.

You patted her head. "It's ok, you don't have to worry about what's stylish or not. Anything you wear will look cute on you."

She looked up at you and seemed to relax. "Thank you, Shimai-kyōdai."

"What about this?" Gojo asked, holding up denim overalls.

"They would look nice with a white shirt, or something," You admitted, "What's the price?"

"Seventeen-thousand yen."

"What!?" You said.

"Sobo always says nothing above seven-thousand yen!" She added.

"Relax, I'll pay for it," He assured you both, but the girl still frowned. "It's ok, L/n-chan," He said to her, "I'm really rich."

"I don't want to waste your money..."

Megumi x Y/n | Set In StoneWhere stories live. Discover now