31 - Curse

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Gojo walked on in front of you and Megumi, his movements stiff. He was noticeably more alert than normal, which also put you on edge. You knew why; it was because cursed energy seemed to be radiating just as much from every building, so you couldn't work out which one had the cursed object. 

It's like the man with long hair has done this on purpose... but why would he want to confuse us?

"Y/n, do you recognise any of these buildings?" Megumi asked.


"Gojo, you should probably use your six eyes to find them."

He sighed, reaching his hand up to lift the blindfold. Just as he was about to do so, someone behind you all yelled, "Hey!" You turned around. It was Itadori, running at an incredibly fast speed to catch up to you.

"You need to get out of here," Megumi scowled, "You shouldn't be going anywhere near the cursed object!"

"Wait– Itadori, did you get a text from your friends about a creepy box that they're going to open tonight?"

Itadori's jaw dropped open. "H-how did you know that!? And how do you know my name!?"

"It's a long story. Anyway, your friends are in danger. If they open that box, they'll die. Do you know where they are?"

He nodded, still shocked.

"Can you lead us to them?" Gojo asked.

"Sure, I guess. Why do you have a blindfold on? Are you blind?"

"No, I can still see. Let's go, then, lead the way!"


"Why is your hair white?" Itadori asked as the four of you hurried into the building and through the corridor. "Did you dye it?"

"No, this is my natural hair colour," He answered.

"So are you albino, or something?"

Gojo laughed and said "No", but he quickly became serious again.

Itadori led you all up the stairs, but Megumi put a hand on his shoulder once he caught up to him.

"Tell us where to go from here," He said. "You can't come with us."

"What? No, I'm going. I'm not going to let my friends die!"

"Itadori," You said, "We'll make sure that won't happen. Can you give us the floor number?"

"I don't know if I should trust you," He replied, eyeing you suspiciously, "You know my name and you know exactly what my friends texted me? Are you a stalker?"

"I can see the future," You explained, "I had visions of you getting that text."


"Like I said, it's a long story. It's hard to explain. What floor are they on?"

"I'll only tell you if I can come with you. I want to help them, too."

"Sorry about this," Gojo said, pressing two fingers to Itadori's forehead. In less than a second, he was unconscious.

"It's very slowly coming back," Gojo murmured, staring at his fingers, holding onto Itadori's limp body, "This is taking way longer than expected. He should wake up in less than an hour, so be quick. I'll take him out of here, you two go find the students and the finger."

You nodded. Megumi began to go up the stairs again. "We'll search each floor," He said.

"We don't have time for that," You told him.

Gojo lifted the corner of his blindfold, revealing a bright blue eye. He peered around as if staring into the ceiling, as if he could see through it.

"Fourth floor," He said. He lifted Itadori onto his shoulder.

"Gojo-sensei," You said to him as he left, "Be careful!"

"I'll be fine," He answered. "Same goes for you two."

You and Megumi went upstairs, and he hauled Itadori higher onto his shoulder and carried him downstairs. As soon as he got on the ground floor, he stopped in his tracks. There was a figure standing at the end of the corridor, where the exit was.

"Put the boy down," The figure said to him. Gojo listened to him and obediently put Itadori on the floor.

"So... how much cursed energy do you have left?" The curse asked Gojo, keeping his distance. He had blue-ish hair and multicoloured eyes. Gojo took off his blindfold completely. 

"You're in luck, tonight," He said. "I'm all out."

The curse laughed childishly, rushing forward with a sword for a hand. He swung at Gojo with it, who blocked the attack with his arms. It only left a small scratch on his forearm, not even deep enough to draw blood. But Gojo's eyes still widened.

"Looks like I really am in luck," Mahito chuckled. "Geto told me about your infinity technique. Has it run out?"

So it is someone from the Geto family,  Gojo thought.

Mahito's comment distracted him for a split second, and he was winded in the stomach by Mahito's hard fist.

"You're amazing at retaining the shape of your soul, despite having no cursed energy," He said, "This is going to be fun, isn't it? Maybe I should use Domain Expansion already?"

Gojo kicked Mahito away from him, sending the curse flying back down the hallway. "What's Geto's first name?" He asked.

"Ehhh? How should I know?"

Gojo rushed forward and attacked him, but he was able to dodge most of his swings. He could tell Mahito was toying with him; whether he was trying to work out exactly how much strength Gojo had left, or whether he was trying to buy time, he was clearly enjoying himself.

Mahito used black flash on Gojo, sending him flying through a glass window. He landed on the schoolyards, taking a while to get back on his feet. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt pain, or tasted blood. He spat it out to try and get rid of the metallic taste in his mouth.

"So you really don't have any cursed energy, do you?" Mahito said, hopping through the window and walking over to him.

"Nope," Gojo admitted.

Mahito's eyes rolled back into his head. Hands appeared in his mouth.

"Domain Expansion: Self-Embodiment of Perfection."

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