4 - Dreams

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You pushed yourself off the ground in the dark room, blue moonlight shining in through windows. Blood poured from your arm where the curse had scratched. It crawled towards you, knowing well you were defenceless. There was a hungry look in its eye.

Your cursed weapon lay on the floor behind you. It was too far to reach; your leg was badly wounded, too. "Megumi!" You yelled helplessly.

"Y/n!" He called back, running in. He pulled out his sword and struck it a few times before exorcising it. He did the same with the other curse near you.

"Holy shit, you're bleeding a lot," He said, approaching you and kneeling right beside you. He took off his navy jacket and tied it around your leg. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around your arm.


"Don't worry about me. Stay in here."

He handed you your cursed weapon. "I'll be on the floor above, there's still a few more curses there. If a curse comes down here, yell my name as loud as you can and I'll come, ok?"

You nodded.


He cupped your face with a hand.

"Y/n. Wake up, my shoulder's sore."

You jolted awake suddenly and realised you'd been sleeping on his shoulder. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry–"

"Quiet down, we're still on the train," He cut in, and you looked around at the people watching. Outside the train window, the sky was dark and the sun had already set.

"Did you have a bad dream or something?" He asked.

You suddenly remembered what happened in the dream and a vivid image of his well-sculpted abs popped into your mind. And the part where he cupped your face with his hands. You looked away when your face heated up. "Well, it wasn't that bad," You mumbled.

He looked around the train. "You're lucky I came with you. You wouldn't have gotten off the train at your stop if I didn't wake you up."

"Wait, where are we!?"

"Calm down, you were only asleep for five minutes."

"Oh... well, my stop's in about fifteen minutes. Do you think you can wake me up again in fifteen?"

"No. We still have a lot to discuss."


He looked around at other people. "You know what."

You laughed a bit. "No point discussing it here if you can't even mention it."

"Then give me your number."

"Well that's a bit forward of you, isn't it?"

"To talk about it, idiot."

"Nah, you can wait until tomorrow at school, we can discuss it there."


There was a short silence, then you asked, "So Tsumiki told me you were leaving at the end of term."

"Actually, there's been a change of plans. Someone from Jujutsu High didn't like the idea of me staying alone in the apartment, so I'll be moving in to my dorm at Jujutsu High in a week."

"And who's this 'someone' from Jujutsu High?"

"A blindfolded dumbass."

You laughed. "Is he our teacher?"

"You'll wish he isn't when you meet him."

"I'm sure he can't be that bad."

"He has the mind of a five-year-old and the cursed energy of Japan's best sorcerer."

The rest of the train ride was quiet until you were a few stops away from your stop. "Actually, maybe I should give you my number," You said to him, "So we can stay in contact when you leave school. You're leaving in a week, right?"

He nodded.

"I want you to tell me about Jujutsu High. Tell me about the students there and the teachers."

He was staring at you, now.

"Tell me about the things you learn there. I'll check on Tsumiki often, too, so I can tell you how she's going. Since you're boarding at Jujutsu High, I guess you won't be able to visit her as often."

"That sounds great."

He pulled out his phone, unlocked it and made a new contact for you to put your number in. You were surprised he agreed, but didn't waste time typing the numbers in.

"Thanks," You said.

He finally averted his eyes. "No problem."

"Oh, my stop's here!"

You stood up and when the doors opened and gave him a short wave. "See you tomorrow."



You opened the door and entered the room. He lay in bed, facing away from you towards the window.


"Hmm?" He muttered, rolling over and rubbing his eyes. He looked at you through half-lidded eyes.

"Sorry I woke you up."

"It's fine. I wanted to see you anyway."

"What for?"


You walked over to him and kneeled in front of his bed. "What's wrong?"

He raised a hand and ran it through your hair. "Nothing."

"Ok, well I'm gonna go–"

You stopped when he put a hand around your waist and pulled you into bed with him. He buried his head into the back of your neck.

You bolted upright in your bed and moved away from where Megumi had been lying. You saw he wasn't there and relaxed. Just a dream, You thought. Your bedroom curtains were open, letting in moonlight.

Why were you having dreams like these, anyway? You'd never had dreams as frequent before. Not only that, but he was just your friend's brother. What would Tsumiki think if she knew what you dreamt of?

These dreams were driving you insane. You tried to not worry about relationships too much, but the dreams felt all too real, and you felt yourself craving affection. Not from Megumi... or at least that's what you tried to convince yourself.

You grabbed your phone and checked the time; seven a.m.. It was time to get up for school, anyway.


Hi, thanks for reading! Here's a picture of Sukuna/Itadori I drew, I did it on Procreate:

Hi, thanks for reading! Here's a picture of Sukuna/Itadori I drew, I did it on Procreate:

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