Ch. 16: Breadcrumbs

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"... That's some kind of joke, right?"

Ben's eyes were fixed firmly on my own. I glanced away, feeling uncomfortable under the pressure.

"You just want to get away from Slender-" He said, taking a step closer. I quickly shook my head.

"No- well... I want to yeah, but this wouldn't help me do it." I admitted. "He'd just send you after me if I did."

Ben stopped to consider that carefully, slowly pacing back and forth. Tatl seemed to be growing increasingly excited, staring intensely at me. Or at least, I had the feeling that she was staring at me? It was a bit hard to tell when she had no visible eyes... or body shape. "But, that'd be letting you take a break for no good reason-" He muttered.

"And you wouldn't have to deal with me distracting you during that time." I quickly added, trying to sweeten the deal for him.

He pursed his lips and stayed like that for a few moments more before slowly nodding, stepping back and kneeling down beside the TV. He pulled a box out of the cupboard, rummaging through it until he pulled out a dusty Nintendo 64.

"... Okay." He said quietly. "You can go back. But, before you do... how else do you remember the game seeming more... alive?" He asked.

For a moment, I thought about not answering him. No matter how much I was unwittingly relaxing here, he was still my enemy. But then again, weren't we both against Slenderman here? I'd have to worry about saving my skin before my pride.

"... Anju." I mumbled, hesitating before speaking up again. "She gave me food and- she was offering to help me survive the moon..." I kept things vague. The memory was still painful for me, after all- but Ben wasn't satisfied.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, stepping closer, which made me take a step back. Tatl, though, seemed to notice my plight- she landed on my shoulder, looking to Ben.

"I told her he was an orphan, and she said she'd take him to Romani Ranch with her if she couldn't find Kafei." She said, putting something that had caused me so much emotional turmoil into such simple words.

Ben shot a harsh glare at me and I shivered slightly, averting my gaze. Was he... jealous?

"... I'll come with you next time." He said, leaving me no room to object. "But for now, you have to go alone, with Tatl."

I gave a hesitant nod, stepping closer to the television screen as he put in Majora's Mask.
"So... what do I do?"

Ben stared dully at me for a few moments, making me feel like he thought I was stupid, before shoving me through the screen with both hands. I expected it to feel hard or to break the glass, but instead I passed through it as if it was just water.


I woke up on the other side, laying on my back and staring up at the sky. I wasn't sure how long it had been, but it was hard to convince myself I had to get up and get moving.

Now that I was back here, I could almost pretend that all the stuff with my dad and the mansion had been just a bad dream.

I wiped my eyes, trying not to start crying again. I was fine. I was safe. I was in Termina again.

Tatl chimed beside me and I finally sat up, quietly thinking about where I should go to... get the data Ben and I needed.

"... How about that Romani Ranch place?" I mumbled. Tatl gave an approximation of a shrug, her body floating up and then down again.

"... I know we don't have the time right now, so don't get mad at me, but..." She trailed off as I stood up, cleaning the grass off my tunic.

"I- really want my brother back. And the real Skull Kid..."

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