Ch. 11: Real World

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A/N: *Some gore.


The world seemed to melt around me as I subconsciously squeezed his hand, pulling myself closer.

Although I was terrified of facing the gruesome scene I expected, the idea of being lost in between worlds was infinitely worse. I had to make sure I kept ahold of him at any cost.

I didn't open my eyes until I felt my feet on solid ground, and only then did the stench of rotting flesh hit me. I gagged, instinctively looking away.

My eyes welled with tears as if I'd been stung. Although I knew I had to look around properly if I wanted to find a way out, I couldn't bear to let myself see my father, reduced to meat and bones.

I couldn't bear to have those be my last memories of him.

Ben didn't seem to care for my dilemma though, only yanking me toward the lounge despite my silent resistance. The smell was stronger now; I could feel myself swaying as I kept my eyes fixed on the ground.

And then I heard the sound of gnawing.
Ben dropped my hand and I, petrified, slowly raised my gaze. I could have immediately vomited at what I saw, raising my hands to my mouth.

The creature that Ben had called The Rake sat across from me, slowly and methodically peeling strips of flesh from what I was sure was a human femur. Its pallid skin clung tightly to its bones, stretching like sinew between each sparce muscle and joint.

The walls were painted with blood.

I was going to be sick, my mouth covered. I gasped as Ben stepped away from me, heading toward the television.

"W-wait, you can't- it'll k- kill me..." I pleaded near-silently, each breath feeling like a labor to take.

Ben rolled his hollow eyes, ignoring me entirely as he knelt down beside the Nintendo 64.

"If I only could..."

I hadn't expected the creature could talk, or that its voice would be so shrill. I gave a squeak, my voice dying in my throat as I took a few steps back.

The Rake bared its sharp teeth, prowling closer on its knuckles. It kept its distance, though.

"You're not going anywhere."
It gave a sick grin.
"Just because he has dibs, doesn't mean I can't rough you up a little if you don't listen..."

"Rake." Ben snapped, shooting a glare at the creature. "Just don't let him leave. He's my fucking human, alright?"

I fidgeted slightly, unable to take my eyes off the bone the Rake soon tossed aside.

I didn't know if I was upset or thankful that he'd devoured so much of my father that there was hardly any gore to be seen.

I immediately felt like the scum of the earth for even considering it.

There was a tense silence for what felt like minutes before Ben finally pulled back from the console, giving a soft sigh.

"There's nothing different about it. We're looking elsewhere." He ordered, grabbing hold of my wrist without asking. My stomach lurched, but in a state of shock, I could do little but follow along.

He led me upstairs. I could feel his pulse through his fingertips, and as we came to my bedroom door I could focus on nothing else. It was better than feeling my own heart thumping in my throat.

He pushed it open without ceremony, glaring around the room before something seemed to catch his eye. Curiosity overpowering me, I leaned over, trying to see around his stupid hat.

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