Ch. 6: Ordinary Days

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A/N: *More dysphoria. It isn't too intense, but be warned.


I woke up in the hazy afternoon of the first day to the sound of something heavy stomping through the Stock Pot Inn's door. I reluctantly sat up, rubbing my eyes as I took in the sights.

Was that... was that a person made out of stone?

Taken aback, I shuffled back on the couch, sitting up straight as a bolt. The creature only lingered for a moment before speaking to the red-haired young woman at the counter.

"[Y/N] the Goron? Your reservation is right this way."

I went to reply, only to realize that she was, inevitably, talking to the... Goron. Who just happened to share my name, apparently.

It wasn't as though I needed a room anyway. I was plenty well-rested from sleeping on the couch. Brushing myself off, I headed out the inn door, taking in the sight of the angry, glaring moon above.

"Luna, huh..."

"What are you talking about? Don't you need to focus? Get your head out of the clouds!" Tatl demanded, flying in front of my face and- well, I got the idea that she planted her hands on her hips. In truth, I didn't even know if she had a real body under that glowing ball of light. I'd have to ask her, but seeing as she was just programming, I didn't know if she'd ever have a real answer.

"We've got all the time in the world." I replied, though I didn't truly believe it. Tatl didn't need to know otherwise- she was just an NPC. As far as she was concerned, we did.

Though resetting time had washed much of the grime of the past three days off me, I still felt filthy from being dragged through the woods. I made up my mind to head to the laundry pool- clean myself up at least a little before trying to figure out what was going on.

I sighed as I dipped my legs in the water, my boots beside me. I didn't exactly want to undress- or get my clothes wet- but until I could get a change of clothes, I'd have to go without cleaning what was under my tunic. Then again, living the same three days over and over- how dirty could it get?

I furrowed my eyebrows. I didn't want to be stuck here that long, but a part of me couldn't help but plan for the worst. I hadn't heard heads or tails from the strange creature that had brought me here since just before I'd gone to sleep- and otherwise, it had been uncharacteristically quiet.

I took a moment to stare at my reflection in the water.

I resented what I saw.

I kicked my leg to stir up the water- make sure I couldn't see myself anymore- before taking a handful of water and splashing it into my face. Tatl landed on the bank next to me, seeming to rest by the water.

... No matter how much I stirred the pond, my inescapable self would always stare back at me the moment it settled.

"If none of this is real- if everything I knew changed- why did I have to stay the same?"

"Of course it's real, [Y/N]! You're not even taking this seriously!" The fairy huffed, turning away from me.

I wondered her incapability to show empathy toward me came from her being composed of code, or if it was just a result of her abrasive personality.

I paused. I tied up my hair, tucking it under my cap. It wasn't perfect, but looking at myself like this- I already felt a lot better. Maybe I'd have to start wearing a cap when I got home. When I got...

"Tatl?" I asked, glancing to the fairy beside me.

"Huh?" Something about her seemed apprehensive. I suddenly reconsidered opening up.

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