Ch. 15: Discuss

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Tomorrow came too soon.

Ben told me that he'd deal with Slender alone, and I'd believed him- it would be in each of our best interests, after all.  He would hopefully be able to stay out of trouble on his own, either by talking his way out of it or by doing something for Slender- and I would be able to stay alive. And that was how things would have been. Ideally.

The first sign that something was wrong was the static slowly building in my head. I wasn't aware of it at first- though it was loud and nagging, its presence fogged up my mind and stopped me being able to pinpoint what was wrong. Tatl, however, seemed far more susceptible. She gave a short whine of complaint as she fluttered down to the bed, crashing into the sheets. "I don't want it, I don't want it..." She repeated, her light dimming.

I paused, staring at her for a moment. "You don't want... what?"

As if taking advantage of my moment of confusion, something appeared behind me. I was only aware that it was even there because of the long shadow it cast over the bed and the prickling feeling that made its way up my spine to accompany it. I slowly turned around, my eyes wide.

Of course Slender was standing behind me- that much was obvious. Who else fucked with my head like this? Who else would enter unannounced, looming over the two of us? As the static slowly began to clear, my vision did too. I could see Ben standing behind him, arms crossed and head turned away. He looked as though he'd been crying, black and red streaked down his cheeks, eyes puffy and pink. I wondered if I should care.

Slender slowly knelt down to my level, making me freeze up internally as he came faceless to face with me. My eyes were wide as I took in every detail of his appearance, from the loose threads on his suit to the slightly rough texture of his chalk white skin.

"I think it's time we had a proper introduction, [Y/N]."

The way his words pierced through me truly made my skin crawl, and I fumbled with the sheets as he released me from his control entirely, subconsciously baring my teeth at him. I didn't mean to- any sign of aggression was probably a mistake. But I couldn't control the sheer repulsion I felt, or the fear that now threatened to overtake all common sense in my body.

"Well... it sounds like you already know me." I replied quietly. Slender gave a soft, echoing chuckle, tilting his head.

"I get to know everybody that passes my doors sooner or later. But you're right. I do. Let me introduce myself instead." He told me, staring blankly at me for a moment. Or at least, I assumed he was staring blankly. It was... kind of hard to tell. "I am called Slenderman. I suppose you could call me the custodian of this manor."

His full name was the only thing new to me- I'd known he was in charge long ago. It was almost impossible to miss, given how everyone treated him. Especially how Ben seemed to quiet down around him. For a moment, I wondered if Ben was scared to speak up.

"... It's... nice to meet you?" I mumbled, honestly not sure what to say. I was lying, of course- being here was absolutely horrible, and being face to face with Slenderman was worse. Whether he realized I was lying or not evaded me though- he didn't react either way. He sat on the bed beside me, head directed down toward me as if he were staring at me.

"So, [Y/N]. Why are you here?" His question was so blunt it hit me like a sledgehammer- did he think I chose this? Did he think I wanted this? I was so angry and confused I could hardly speak, spitting out a meager-

"What do you mean?"

Slenderman leaned forward and toward me, his thin, paper-white skin stretching taut over the bones in the back of his palm as he put a hand on his knee for support.

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