chapter 1

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Marinette woke up and got inside the shower. After her shower she got ready for work. She ate breakfast and drove to her job.

She got out of her class and stepped into the building, when she did all she heard was whistling and boys seeking at her.

She didn't pay no mind to them. She just smirked and walked into her classroom. She had to admit that she liked the attention she got from the guys but she never got too close to them or she could loose her job.

She loved her students more than she loved teaching tho. One day Marinette was in the class writing the notes on the board for her next class when principal Munroe walked into the class room.

She turned around and saw him. She smiled, "hey there principal Munroe, what can I do for you?", She asked in a polite tone.

He tucked his hands in his pockets and said, "there is a new student coming here on the next period", now it was strange to hear a person coming second period when they should be there first period if it is their first day.

"Oh? Why second period?", She asked confused. "Well the kid just flew in from NYC", he said.

"Ohhhhhh ok", Marinette said while giggling. The principal chuckled. "So I want you to work your magic on this kid, show him around, and make him feel welcome when he gets here", he said while smiling.

"Work my magic? Ok I guess, and it's a male?", She asked curiously. "Yes he was homeschooled for almost all of his life in NYC and came here to start school", he said.

"Oh? Ok how old is he?", Mary asked. "He's 16", he said while smiling. Marinette chocked on air, "he's what?", She asked in a shocked tone.

"Yep he's 16, I'm off now and remember work your magic", he said while walking towards the door.

Marinette giggled and said, "yes sir", the principal chuckled and walked out of the class, while Marinette continued to write the notes for the students on the board.

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