{Chapter 8}

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Stepping into the nurse's office with Aito on your back, cuddling into your neck. You weren't in the nurse's office for your health, not for Aito either.

In fact, you were there to check on a certain green-haired boy. Who had recently knocked himself unconscious by using his quirk in a lesson.

While All Might was continuing the lesson with the rest of the students. You went to check on Midoriya, you'll have a word with Bakugou after.

"How is he doing?" Your calm voice broke the silence in the room. A much older looking woman jumped at the sound of your voice.

"Oh my goodness, you startled me, dearie!" The older looking woman said with a hand on her chest. Let's face it you were much, much older than this woman so, her calling you 'dearie' felt a little weird.

"My apologies." You bowed respectfully.

"Oh no, it is quite alright," the woman waved off. " The boy is stable. He will need to rest for a while as my quirk does its thing." The woman reassured.

"That is a relief. When he wakes up, could you please tell him that he will be having extra lessons with me?" You requested gently.

"Of course. Miss?"

"(L/n) (Y/n)"

You noticed that the woman suddenly became pale and her eyes opened wide. You took the opportunity to see what troubled her.

<Recovery Girl>

'I had no idea I was in the presents of a Samurai of all people. I thought she was a new teacher in training. She really can't be the reawakened Samurai with how young she is. If she is? What does she do to keep herself looking so young?'

'Oh. She's just confused with how my looks don't match my age.' You thought broadly. You turn to look at Midoriya. He was lying on the bed wrapped up in bandages, a tired but peaceful look on his face. Smiling at the greenet you then turn to the white-haired woman.

"Well... I'll get out of your hair now. Enjoy the rest of your day." You twirled as you turned, leaving the nurse to do her work.

"Enjoy your day too!" The sound of the hesitant wards of the nurse hit your ears. The corners of your lips curled slightly, you found it cute that she became so shy at just the mention of your name.

Walking through the quiet halls, you keep your footsteps silent and light in order not to disturb the working students, who are hopefully finishing up with work. And in order to not wake up the sleeping Aito.

You were now going past 1B's classroom, it sounded like there was a lot of activity going on in there. You were just about step past the door when it suddenly slid open.

Like every confused person, (Y/n) turned to see what was happening. And there. Stud in the doorway was a blonde-haired boy that was staring directly at her. He kinda looks like Bakugou but with flat hair and less angry and more crazed.

"You must be the new girl in 1A?" He said in a sickly joyful manner. (Y/n) just gave him a cold, dead stare in the eyes.

'Monoma Neito, eh? You are an oddball, that's for sure. He must think I'm a student. But bad luck for him I'm a teacher.' (Y/n) kept her cold stare with as she internally laughed at the boy's big ego as she read his mind.

"You may be in class A but I assure you, class 1B is far superior! HAHAHAHAHA! You should be honoured that I've taken the time to even speak to you." Monoma laughs almost evilly. He was had failed to notice his teacher, Vlad King, was now steaming from his ears.

While (Y/n) just sterd at him like he'd done the stupidest thing he could have ever done

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While (Y/n) just sterd at him like he'd done the stupidest thing he could have ever done. Vlad King quickly shot at the boy, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him down into a bowing position, as Vlad King himself bowed at a 90⁰ angle.

Monoma stopped laughing, frozen in shock at the fact that his teacher is bowing down to a student. The rest of the students in the classroom were in the same state of shock as he was.

"My greatest apologies for his rudeness, (L/n)-Sensei." The white-haired man apologized with his head bowed low. At moment the entire classroom turned to ice.

In all honesty, he was expecting something like a snarky comment, but he was dumbfounded at the feeling of a general hand on his head. He looked up in surprise as he was met with a warm smile and soft eyes.

"It's not your fault Vlad King. It's only the second day of the year. How would you have known that this boy had such a big ego? But please... try to get him ready to become some sort of support figure, please knock down his ego and teach him to put the lives of the people first... and not status." The quiet sword wielder commented, before removing her hand from the hero's head and continued on her way.

The teacher and his students watched the female swordsman descend the hallway. And ones she got out of view, the white-haired hero pulled his big egoed student back into the classroom.

"Do you realize how much trouble you are in? She is a 1,000 year old Samurai and she is only training the students that catch her eye. Getting trained by her is like an easy ticket to SKILL and fame." Vlad King silently scolded.

"Don't worry Sensei. She'll realize how useless class 1A is and she'll came caroling for us to let her train us." Monoma said with complete, nonchalant, big-headed pride. Complmented with a big cheeky toothy grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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