{Chapter 3}

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Nezu left you and All Might alone in the room. The blonde man looked at you confused. 

"You know you'll need to show the public who you really are, sooner or later." You said plainly. Your eyes seemed to stare into his soul.

"I know. But I don't want them to fear that I'm not able to protect them. I don't want them to fear because I'm withering away." All Might confidence. 
"But you're giving them a bad expectation that you will be there forever. Not to mention you are killing yourself putting on that illusion. You're missing half of your organs, for goodness sake!" You scolded. Your voice was harsh but your eyes were filled with worry.

"You have to understand that when you die in action. Everything will go into complete turmoil. You need to stop it before that happens." All Might stayed quiet.

An existed sigh left your lips. "You know Toshinori. You're a lot like him." The blonde skeleton looked at you with shock and confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean you and Midoriya. He's determined to make the world as safe as you have. You both have the same spirit and will to protect. It's scary actually. Even though I know you are not his father. He looks up to you as a father and is determined to make you proud. Like you with Nana." 
All Might's light blue eyes were wide in surprise. He didn't expect this.

"But your lack of know-how on teaching, this boy will get himself killed. So, I help the best I can. Midoriya is going to be a wonderful hero and you made the right choice to have him as your successor." Giving the man a small, gentle smile.

"Thank you (l/n)-san. I really, really appreciate it." He looked like he was about to cry from how grateful he was.
"It's not a problem. I just want to make sure that the people are in good hands." You said simply.

Small-Might bowed low in thanks and respect. He walked and stopped in front of the door. And turned to face you. "I going to be teaching Class 1A tomorrow, it would be an honour if you could join me." He stated. Although it was more of a request.

Nodding your head, "I'd love to meet them, Toshinori. But I warn you I see Midoriya as your son and I will refer to him as such." You chime with a warm smile.

He sighed at your wards. "Understood." He said before shifting to his muscle form and opening the door to leave. But stopped in his tracks.
"Is something wrong?" You question him. 

All Might's large figure bends down, seeming to pick something up. You couldn't walk up and see what it was because of an annoying line of light keeping you stuck on one side of the room. And it blocked your way to the door now because annoyingly, for you, the sun moves which means light moves. 

The large, muscular, blonde man seemed to be very careful with whatever was in his hands. Slowly, he raised himself from his bent potion. And cautiously turned to you.
Your heart drops at the site of what was in his hands or rather who was in his hands.

Paralysed and with your mouth agape, all you could do was stare at them.

'How! How! I saw father eat him! How is he here!' Waterfalls of tears ran down your cheeks. You were starstruck. 

There lying in All Might's arms was a baby demon but not any baby demon. But you baby brother: Aito.

 But you baby brother: Aito

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You wanted to-


You had to have a closer look.

"Bring him to me!" You ordered; slightly choking on your tear. The sound of desperacy was in your voice. All Might obeyed and the tiny demon to you.

As he got closer to you, you stretched out your arms to take the child. Gently cradling him in your arms. Sadly you couldn't see Aito's big, beautiful, bright, blue, round eyes to tell if it was really him. But your gut was screaming at you saying that it was him. 

With hot tears still running down your face, you examine his new demon features. His skin was pale as death and he now had two horns growing out of his forehead. They were like yours but they were a pale sky blue.

Letting your thumb gently caress his cheek. It's as cold as ice. And you never realised how long and sharp your nails were. Well, they can't really be called nails now more like claws.

Aito shifted under your soothing touch, leaning towards your warm hand for comfort. His tiny hands grip your sleeve like never wanted to be let go.

A smile filled with joy and love as you see your very much alive little brother in your arms. Sleeping away all the bad things in the world.
You couldn't help but smile. You haven't been this happy in centuries. Placing his head on your shoulder and let him snuggle into your neck for the warmth he so desperately needed. Rubbing your cheek against his seems to relax him. As his clinging grip loosened on your clothes.

But he still clung to you as if his life depended on it. You weren't complaining. In fact, it simply made you feel over the moon. After all, you never want to see him in pain again.

"...(L/n)-senpai?" The deep voice of All Might hit your ears. You forgot he was even there. You give him a small hum in response.

"Who is this child?" He asked gently.

"... He's my younger brother. Aito..." You answer, beginning to sway side to side, keeping the baby demon asleep. You're not sure what he's been through but it might be best if you let him sleep.
You notice that All Might was looking around in the hallways. "I wonder who left him here?" He thought along.

"Whoever it was, I don't care. I thought I'd never see him again. I'm just thankful." You whisper sweetly.

All Might smiled at the scene in front of him. "I'll give you some alone time." He bowed and left quietly, closing the door behind him. 

Whipping your eyes free of tears, you move over to your bed. Sitting cross-legged you ly him down on your lap. You fidget and fumble through your pockets looking for something. As you did this Aito started to toss and turn, grounding in pain; he was having a nightmare. When finally found what you were looking for. 

You were thankful you still had it and that the doctors didn't take it away. Your kalimba. An old woman gave it to you she said a nice Western man gifted it to her and taught her how to play. And she ended up teaching you how to play. The sweet old woman even decorated it, when she gave it to you.
You sit him up with his head leaning back onto your abdomen. And your arms hanging around his sides with the kalimba in front of you. 

And you played.

([A/n]: I'm new to adding videos on here. So if doesn't work, please 🙏 tell me.)

It was his favourite song. You always played it to him when he had bad dreams. You used to play it when you were grieving. It's always been that bit of comfort for you. Reminded you of the time when you and Aito were still human.

Aito had relaxed at the sound of your Kalimba. And a small smile claimed onto his face.

You were left enjoying the familiar, warm calm that was hanging in the room. 

You really did miss him.

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