{Chapter 7} Different eyes:

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Inosuke, Zenitsu, the 3 kids we saved, and I started to descend the mountain as the crow said. Inosuke kept ramming his head into we pasted. And Zenitsu thankfully wasn't clinging onto anyone while crying his eyes out and screaming. We were in the middle of a tunnel of trees so, it was very shady. Enough for maybe a few demons to call this sanctuary will the sun is out. It had this strange aura, not to mention sent. A lot of demons were definitely here.

Even though, it was relatively quiet with the occasional 'bump' of Inosuke's head hitting a tree. And the sent I was smelling was old.

That was until a sharp scream cut through the air. We all froze. A demon dashed out of the bushes falling in the middle of the shady tunnel of trees. The sent of fear and terror swift of him. 

"PLEASE I BEG YOU! MERCY! MERCY, PLEASE!" The screamed begging for his life as faced the area of plants he came from. Was he being hunted by another demon? 

I get into a fighting stance, guarding the kids. Zenitsu ran and hid behind Soichi and Inosuke readied his blades.
That's when I smelt it... and felt it...

"Hold on. Let's see who's chasing him." I say, Inosuke must have noticed it too. Whatever was hunting that demon, it was nothing to blink an eye at.


"Mercy? Now, why would I do that?" A voice spoke. The sent was stronger and the arura... mad my knees weak. But despite this, the voice was soft, almost gentle but had an icy tone. 

The sent was even more confusing. It was acidic, potent it was like a poison to breathe. And the weirdest thing about it was the fact that it smelt a mixture of a demon and a human. But its most defining feature was the sent of wisteria mixed in.

"PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE! PLEASE SPARE ME!" The demon continued to beg.

Finally, we got a good look at who was hunting this demon. A girl with long white hair, wisteria haori, and a male Demon Slayer uniform. But her back was turned to us so, we couldn't see her face.

That girl... Tanjiro, that girl is from Final Selection!" I hear Zenitsu shaking behind me. So, this is the fifth survivor. But... she didn't have this area at Final Selection or sent. Wait now that I think about it, I couldn't smell her sent at all at Final Selection. Did her sent camouflage her within the wisteria at Final Selection?

"Tell me. How many humans did you give mercy to?" The girl asked in a sharp smooth voice.

The demon looked surprised by the question. "None of them! Why?" The demon shouted at her from his position on the floor. 

I think that's the wrong answer.

"Then how do you expect me to give you mercy if you are incapable of it yourself?" She had a point. But the main matter is that a demon, a demon feels the need to be on his knees begging for his life just by being in her presence. That alone is terrifying.

The look on the demon's face said everything from confusion to complete pure utter terror.

"Breathe of Wisteria: 6th Form - Embedded Seed." The girl said as she gripped her still sheathed sword.

Suddenly the demon had large cuts all over his arms, torso, face, and neck. The girl was standing behind him with an unsheathed bright violet katana in her hand. 

I couldn't believe she moved THAT fast. I didn't even see her. But the cuts to the demon's neck look fatal. Can't she cut a demon's head off?

The demon started to snicker. "I guess--AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" His eyes rolled back into their sockets, his body started to violently shake. Large dark purple coloured marks appeared on his neck and face, his screams became more intense as he started to tear away the skin on his face and neck. His stomach-stabbing screams seemed to be drowning in his throat. Then... Branches burst out of his neck, torso, and head. The branches grow larger and larger. His torso started to contort twist and elongate.

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