pt 12

396 4 1

Natasha's pov

I'm glad we got Atreus back he was gone for two days, and it was cold in the mansion that he was in, he also had no shoes on. But now we have him back he will be protected more and he bid help us get more information on the metahumans or people with powers.

Steve's pov

The kid is back and safe so we should have to keep him safe until we get him home to his parents. But he is quite strong to have not said anything to Ultron I know kids his age would have talked just by losing their phone but I guess that kid was not raised like other kids that were raised here I guess.

Tony's pov

I was happy that the child was safe and that he is so strong to stay on Ultron lag all that way, and that he was probably tortured or just questioned because he didn't have any injuries at all.

Atreus's pov

When I opened my eyes I was in my room when I remembered that I fell asleep in the main room on the couch. But I got up and then I got into the bathroom to have a warm shower to hopefully get cleaned from the wild  Adventure I went on getting kidnapped well kind of getting kidnapped I kind of forced that guy to kidnap me that's kind of a question but I'm so glad for the warm shower had showers back where I lived but don't think that will happen Any time soon.

When I got out of the shower I dried off and made sure my hair wasn't soaked even though I barely have any. Then I got into a  pair of pants and a nice shirt accompanied by the leather jacket I got. What can I say the leather jacket is comfortable I wanna wear this back in my time but I don't think my father would appreciate that. But I still want to know why didn't that witch girl tell him that I was a God she wouldn't do my mind for god's sake. But she didn't tell him she shut off but she didn't that was the most shocking thing because if I could repeat people's minds then be the 1st thing I'd tell someone Hey this little kid's a God which I don't think they'd believe but you know it's true. God is part giant and a little bit mortal.

After I got dressed I left my room I wasn't going to the main room this time I want to walk about things and hopefully be able to get back home but at this right I'm losing a little bit of hope but I can't lose hope I need to get back to my father who warned him that he'll Die. If I'm not there with the pro if it's still working it's  Stressing me, but I gotta stay calm for them at least.  After I walked around for about an hour I went to the main room so I was getting hungry you know everybody gots to eat sometimes.  When I walked into the room there are a few Avengers aka Tony Natasha Steve Bruce and the arrow guy,  I haven't really talked to him but I think his name's Clint.  Then I saw that there was food on the table or counter I then sat on one of the stools and Natasha said that I could have some food I was happy I was hungry but I didn't show my happiness even though I know them it was just weird to be happy and show it with my father and all.  After I ate a delicious meal I got bored of just sitting and listening to their conversation so I went back to my room to grab my bow arrows.

Then I went to the workout room Before I started shooting my bow I went to one of the punching bags which I think is a punching bag Natasha did explain to some degree what is in the workout room. So when I walked up to it I started punching Natasha did say that you're supposed to tape your hands whatever that means but I just started hitting it through my fists I mean my father can fight with his fists I guess I should try with mine but after a few hits take care around like 10 to 20 my hands started hurting they're going red in the knuckle area. So I stopped doing that And set up some of the targets so I can shoot my bow and arrow but I set them all around the room because your enemies don't stand in 1 area. After I was done setting them up I started at the door of the room and I ran up to the 1st target well a few meters away from the 1st target and shot at it And I hit the middle of the target. Then I moved on to the other ones moving in an orderly fashion at kept up my good Footwork so I didn't accidentally trip and fall on anything I set up in the room and then jumped over one of the targets I started at the 1 rained the middle which was a good shot because I was in the air. Then I moved on to 3 targets I loaded 3 arrows into my bow and then turn my bow onto its side and then pulled back the string and shot the arrow in the middle hitting the middle target rate in the middle of it the Left Arrow hit the edge of the left target which was a terrible shot and my right arrow hit kind of close to the middle but not close enough to count to be in the middle but that is a pretty good shot usually 3 arrows so you know pretty good shot.

Time skip (after his training)

After I was training I was sweating good thing I took off my  Leather jacket and good thing I was wearing a T-shirt, not a long sleeve shirt. But then Natasha walked into the training room I grabbed my jacket and Natasha said"  Hey Atreus would you mind coming to the main room we need to talk to you about something if you wouldn't mind".

I looked at her and then nod my head and said" Sure what do you want to talk to me about".

" Well Atreus you will have to come to the main room so we'll talk to you with everyone if you don't mind", she said.

I breathed in and then out hopefully I'm not getting in trouble but the way she worded that I feel like I'm getting in trouble. But I shook my head and said" If you want, then okay".

 Natasha walks silently through the halls I was afraid to talk to her with good reason I feel like I'm getting in trouble hopefully I wasn't excited to know what the punishment would be here. But remind Natasha got closer and closer to the main room I was getting nervous hopefully, I'm not in trouble hopefully they're gonna talk to me about something good, That was a low chance I think.

Then Natasha grabbed the door and I walked in before everyone was sitting in the room even Nick Fury which I was surprised about but talking to everyone made me even more nervous.  Then Nick Fury said," Take a seat you might need one".

I slowly walk to the chair that he was pointing to which was kinda in the middle of everyone which made me even more nervous am I gonna get lectured  At this point I didn't know what I was getting into but I sat down and took a breath in and said "  What is this all about am I in trouble or something did I do something wrong".

Oh God, I should not have said that I should have said what is this all about not am I in trouble or did I do something wrong they know that I'm nervous.   Nick Fury shook his head And then start to say" Kid We want to.............

(  I want to do another story like this will the Atreus again but is it going to The Avengers universe going to the DC universe)

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