pt 9

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( This book is blowing up way more than I thought it would be, but thanks for reading it. On to the chapter)

Steve's pov

We were done fighting when I saw an Atreus grab onto Ultron's leg as Ultron out of the Tower. I ran to the window where they flew out of and saw Ultron was nowhere to be seen I hope that kid has a lot of strength and grip strength because if that kid falls, he will most certainly die.

Natasha's pov

Atreus is stupid he grabbed onto Ultron's leg as Ultron flew out of the window that kid either has a death wish or is hoping that we will find him I hope they don't go somewhere cold because he didn't have any Footwear on but at least he has his arrows and bow and possibly knife but hopefully and I mean hopefully he has his phone on him cuz that's probably our only way we could probably track him.

Tony's pov

That kid is some serious balls grabbing on to ultron's leg like that because he'll get major burns from the jet fuel flames that come out of the feet. But I hope he has his phone on him even though I will have to reboot Jarvis and all that or I will have to do it myself to track him which if he's with Ultron that means we will find where Ultron is if atreus has his phone on him.

Third person ( AKA Avengers point of view)

All the Avengers were so worried about atreus they were planning their next move almost instantly they didn't want to lose the kid it felt like their responsibility to take care of him I mean it was he's from a totally different world / Universe from here so of course it was their responsibility, for his recklessness. Some of the Avengers thought that he probably learned that from his father, which is kind of true. 

But some of the girls of The Avengers AKA Piper because she thought of Atreus like a son almost and I do mean almost she doesn't know if Atreus's mom is alive or not, but that doesn't mean she won't worry mean she is worrying so much about him.

All the Avengers knew that the more time that the boy was gone he might get interrogated or Worse tortured they won't let a kid be tortured on their watch even if he made a reckless mistake no kid deserves that. Bruce was pacing around the lab he was so stressed while Tony was trying to pinpoint the exact location of Atreus's phone, but hopefully Tony would find where his phone is located and it was not too late because hopefully the phone was not destroyed.

Wanda's pov ( after looking through an atreus mind)

And that kid's mind there are a lot of images of him doing outlandish things and a big strong man with a beard which I'm guessing is his father there are also sad parts of his mind his mother's funeral and some of his mother's memories that he has of her I felt sorry for the kid for losing his mother but the most outlandish thing I found out that he was a god. But not just any god Loki but from his world or universe as the other memories have told me about the Avengers they said he's from a different universe and those memories must mean he's from a completely different world means a different Loki. I want to tell Ultron about him being God and from a different universe, but I thought not to Ultron doesn't need to know.

I want to tell my brother as well but he may tell Ultron so I'll keep it to myself I do not want to hurt the boy I think his father called him Atreus I'll just tell Ultron that his name is Atreus and that he knows the Avengers I think that's all he needs to know, for now at least. Untron told us to lock him up somewhere and take his bow and arrows because that is all he has on him  (that they know of at least)

Atreus's pov

When I woke up my head was spinning I felt like I was going to puke but I held it in Because I haven't eaten something all day and puking will make me lose some of the energy I have.  Then I put my hands on my hips and then realized that they didn't take my knife so that could be useful I still have my phone but before I use it I need to escape. But how, yes I do have my knife but walking up to the lock there is only a lock on the outside so it I'd almost impossible it pick the lock without having a different view of the lock.

Ok so what do I have on me I have my knife and my phone, and I can still transform into my wolf form that could be the way I can escape but it would be hard to be quite that way, I was thinking so hard that I didn't know that there was someone at the prison door until the said "hey you time to get up Ultron wants at talk to you".

I looked up at the guy with the silver hair, but instead of answering him, I glared and turned my head away from him. Then the door was opened and I was on my feet in seconds, then I was dragged out of the room until we reached a room with computers and other things that Tony tried to teach me about but I didn't listen because at that time I was more interested in getting home than this world I guess. Then I sat down in a wooden chair and then tied up with a rope, then I was ready for anything at this point in time.

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