pt 5

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I got up and walked to the main room to see food on the table well just a plate of food which I think it is for me there was a paper with the plate it read.

Hey Atreus we left this food for you we all have go out to leave you to rest and if you want to train your bow is in the training room if needed.

I then smiled they actually thought of me so I just eat the food and walked to the training room I sat on a bench and polished my bow to make sure it is in tip top shape well to the best of my ability I wish the Dwarfs were here to help they are much need here. I then sat up and then grabbed and arrows and then threw away some around the room and then placed some of the targets by then as far and close as they can, then I went to the door without my bow it was by the target I must stad with my knife.

I then ran towards the first target and sliced it up with my knife took my bow and then grabbed an arrow next tonight and kicked off the target and shot the arrow at it hitting it on the middle. Then ran to the next target and rolled and then stopped rolling and shot 3 arrows I picked up while rolling and hit the middle of the target and both sides of the target. Then I bid both methods until I got to the last target and I rolled picked up the last ywo arrows and shot one in the middle and then shot one under the other one and then I jumped at it and kicked it over and with the momentum I had I spun over it and landed on the ground and the I looked towards the entrance if the room and saw Thor but not this worlds Thor but mine I then shock my head and it was this worlds Thor, it was just my imagination ya that's it my imagination. Then Thor said " who trained you in the way of the bow".

"Well mostly self-taught but who trained me to use the bow as my mother" I said with a hint of sadness.

(I'm just thinking it was his mother that trained him to use the bow because that Atreus was trained to hunt mostly by his mother).

Thor looked at me and said "you sound sad when you said your mother trained you, I know what it is like to lose my mother, she was a good person".

I looked at him, he lost his mother does that mean he loved his mother like a mother way different from the Thor from my world but that doesn't change the fact he is a Thor he could kill me rate here and now if he wanted, he then said "I have to go happy training".

I nodded and grabbed my bow and walked to my room I know I should leave it here I just don't trust that Thor no more and it is just because I seen my world Thor in him. I then walked into my room god it's only the second day here but now it is my room but still doesn't feel like it. I sat in my room and then put my bow in the corner of my room, I just left all the arrows in the training room all put away so there was no arrows in my room.

Time skip (super time)

I walked into the main room but only one person is there pepper was there she then said "hi my name is Piper I was told to male supper for everyone but you are the only one here what would you like".

I looked at her then said "I don't know you can make your favorite food of ypu want your food is different from my world so you can make you favorite, ooh and my name is Atreus".

She nodded and then said "would you like to help me make supper it most be boring here without anyone and you being new here to other world you can work a tv".

I then said " ya I don't but if you don't mind me asking what is a TV".

She looked at me then said "well a tV is were you can watch anything that is made like cooking shower even some books that were made into movies".

I looked excited about the books the were made into movies I then said "is jurassic Park made into a movie".

She then said ooh that is were my Jurassic Park book went and you multiple actually 4 to be exact jurassic Park which is base on the book, Jurassic Park 2 which is not exactly like the book because the book was made with some of the script in mind, and Jurassic Park 3 which is just a movie and jurassic world which is just a movie as well. ".

I looked at her and said "after your done cooking food can we watch the movies please. "

She nodded her head and I continued to watch her cook, the way she moved around the kitchen it was like she was fighting she had light feet movements and is also quick to react, it was fun to watch her cook, it was almost like my father fighting something but with more grace. After she was done cooking, we ate and, she then made something called popcorn then we ast down to watch the movies.

Time skip (after the movies )

I was so tired after that I said good night to Piper then I walked to my room slowly. When I got there I saying my bed and slowly fell into a comfortable sleep it bed been a long time aka a night ago that I didn't fall asleep with out my family or friends on my mind.

(End of chapter)

Sorry for it being short 😅 but I had no plan going it to the chapter but make Pepper like a mom to Atreus and watch some movies aka Atreus having some fun.

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