pt 7

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( ok so in this chapter he gets to leave the tower and makes so friends hopefully and a fight let's gooo)

Tony's  pov (in the lab)

I feel sorry for the kid Steve won't let him leave the tower so I'm going to do something for him I guess. And he is looking at rhe staff like it is his way home which it might be.

Atreus's pov

I was looking at the staff  but then I got up and walked away I can't think of that staff useful rate now there has to be some other way for me to get home with how some of the Avengers are upset, so all I can do is walk way.

I then made it to my room It was getting dark from the big window I was tired of all the training I bid I went to the bathroom that was the other door in this room.  There is what Natasha called a bath and a shower I, was just going to have a bath because a shower seems like a waste of water to me, is I put the pug in and started the water on warm then I stripped off all my clothes and hoped in the bath, good thing my pajamas are I  here even though I don't understand waring pajamas I'm use to waring the same clothes to bed.

Time skip (after his bath)

I put on my pajamas they were pretty comfortable then I laid down on my bed and slowly feel asleep.

(His pjs)

Time skip (the morning)

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Time skip (the morning)

I woke up probably to early in the morning because no one was up and walking around out side, but that is with I get. But then what they called a phone ring I grabbed it and seen that Tony was calling me I then answered it.

Atreus = A    Tony = T

A- you need something Tony

T-ya I know it's early but today me and you are doing stuff to get you out of the tower but later in the day I'm going back to bed, so Bye Lad

A- Bye Tony.

Then he hung up I couldn't fall back to sleep so I got ready for the day since thay bid say that you change your clothes everyday it just seems like a waste of time to me. But I Changed anyway.

His Outfit (Tony picked this one out)

His Outfit (Tony picked this one out)

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The outfit is a little uncomfortable but I will learn to get used to but I will Hopefully, but also I don't want to get used to it because I want to go home and back to my home

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The outfit is a little uncomfortable but I will learn to get used to but I will Hopefully, but also I don't want to get used to it because I want to go home and back to my home. I wonder what Tony has planned for us I hope it's fun. I put my knife in one of my pockets and then walked to the main room in the tower, Pepper was in the kitchen with Steve. Steve was drinking coffee aka the worst tasting drink for me it is gross, and Pepper was cooking breakfast. I sat on a stool and I was watching Pepper cook and when she was done she made a plate for me and I started to eat it was good way better the Tyr's cooking which stills seems unlikely but it is true.

Time skip (out of the tower)

I was walking with Tony, he said that we are going to a movie which seemed stupid because we could have just watched a movie back at the tower but it was nice to get out of the tower tho.

The movie was fun there was shooting explosions and move I wish I remembered what the movie was called so I could watch it again but it was fine.

Then me and Tony where walking around a mall he was looking at something that seemed boring so I was looking around when I seem a young boy around me age or older being hit and kicked I walked up to the doy and oth other people that were hitting him. Then I said "you guys better stop".

They all look at me the one of the bigger guys that was hitting that other guy that was on the floor he then said "what are you going to do you are smaller than him", he then pointed at the guy on the floor it was true but I was probably stronger then all of them.

I looked at them and said "well I know what I can do".

I then punched him in the face then I flipped him over my head then I ran up to the other guys then I slammed the other two guys into a wall then there faces slide down the  wall. I then walked over to the guy on then ground and then said "you can go I'm leaving ".

I then walked back towards Tony and the guy I saved said "thank you".

I waved and then me and Tony continued are day off or me being able to leave the tower for the first time in so long.  The rest of the day was normal then Tony called someone and they brought over a car, we then got drove around the city for about and hour until we got back to the tower it was fun. We then walked to the tower and into the elevator to the top floor and then back into the main room in the tower then we all ate supper and talked about random things it was like I was back home well other then my father not talking it was almost like home. After that we all sat down and watched a movie until most of us all went back to there rooms I then got ready for bed and then made sure my bow was ready because you never know, then I laid down and slowly fell asleep.

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