pt 8

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I woke up to an alarm blaring in my ears I jumped up out of bed grabbed my bow and arrows and my knife can't forget that, then I open my door real fast and saw people running I ran the opposite direction they were running to the main room and that was where The Avengers were fighting AKA the people that own this Tower. But who are they fighting was kind of surprise Tony they are fighting Tony I don't know why they are fighting Tony but he seemed like he was winning. But then I realized that wasn't Tony Tony was with the other Avengers but not in his Iron Man suit as he calls it which was a term that I would have called the armor just iron suit because it was a big thing of honking metal. They were fighting and I was trying to hit them but my arrows weren't doing anything so I just stayed back watching I know I shouldn't have but then I see another robotic thingy I guess person with the scepter in his hand that didn't seem good so I ran up to him and grabbed on to his leg as he took off the thrusters did burn a bit but I still hold on. I was so glad that I had really strong muscles from climbing everywhere back home but my hours are getting tired after we flew across a ginormous body of water I think father once called it an ocean it was back when we first started adventuring I was 8 to 10 back then. Then after we flew for a while we were at some place that looked almost like home in the middle of  winter. There was a giant mansion on a mountain it looked really nice but the person I was hanging on to start to get a little too close to the trees. I was hit by a tree it hurt a lot, I ran into a tree before but this, I like immediately to brace myself from all the Twigs hitting me I had to block my eyes so I wouldn't get poked by any branches I wish I knew where I was I hope The Avengers could find me out here then I realized something I was in my pajamas which meant I had no jacket nor shoes on. I then climbed a tree onto a branch so my feet wouldn't stay in the cold much longer I just sat there waiting and waiting and waiting this is going to take forever isn't it.

But then I realize something I should head to that Mansion to see if I can get any cell service because of course I had my phone just still call a brick because it's a literal brick that you can call people on. I started my way up the mountain it was very cold on my feet but when I reached the front door of the mansion I pushed it open slowly. I then stuck around until I found a giant opening that looked like a  big room I walked in and that hid behind some machinery that is when I heard the robot guy talking to a guy and a girl. The guy had silverish hair while the girl had reddish hair that the robot guy was talking to them then they said that Tony was responsible for their parents deaths after the weapon his company made was used to kill them which I didn't know Tony made weapons for war.

I was about to leave the room when I stepped on something it made a loud noise all three of them looked at me I was about to run until the guy with silver hair disappeared and then I felt arms around me and it was the guy with silver hair I didn't know how he was that fast faster than some of the witches I fought back at home. Then the robot guy said "what are you doing here child".

I have a feeling this robot guy was about to interrogate me but he wasn't as scary as my father I don't think anyone's as scary as my father but I just said "I don't know I kind of grabbed on to your leg and now I'm here".

Like my father taught me keep it vague so they don't know who you are for or against just make something up and go with it and keep to it until the very end.

He then said you held on to my leg the whole way back here that is very inhuman because Sokovia is located at the Northwestern coast of the Black Sea which is a long way from New York".

I looked at him and then said well I am I tied a rope around your ankle and around my wrist and that's how I held on the whole entire way but it made sure I didn't lose circulation in my wrist by moving my arm okay my wrist up to your foot to hold it there for a bit so it wasn't that hard to hold on to you I mean I got burnt by the Flames that came out of your feet wasn't that I was good".

I know I said I'd keep it vague but I can't have to explain a little bit even though that really wasn't what happened I held on the whole entire way but I don't know what the Black Sea is a kind of seems dangerous but I got to keep a little profile new from this world and I don't need anyone else knowing that and this guy and those two seem like villains I don't want them knowing where I come from or that I'm a God.

The metal guy then pointed out the red-headed lady and he said "you have the power to go inside his head."

If the guy with the silver hair was holding me I would have walked backwards she has the ability to look into someone's head oh God if she finds out I'm a God I am done for like done for done for I don't know how to keep my mind from someone looking at it I'll just stop thinking that I'm a God I'll just think I'm a normal human maybe that work I don't know I've never done with this before. Her hand started glowing a reddish tint to it I got scared she had some kind of witch powers which made me even more nervous. What you inside my head my head was pounding it hurts so much but after a while I fainted I hope I get up soon if not I'm done for.

(End of chapter)

Will The Avengers find him in time or will Ultron find out atreus is a God or Wanda keep that to herself find out in the next chapter and yes I did leave it on a cliffhanger.

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