The Ball

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The next day...

"Pin wake up!" Leafy said.
"H-huh, what?" Pin said, half-awake.
"It seems like we accidentally slept outside..." Leafy chuckled.
"J-just let me sleep for a while..." Pin said before leaning on Leafy and falling fast asleep.
"You're such a sleepyhead, and I love you for it" Leafy whispered to herself while putting an arm around her "friend". She pulled out the diary again and decided to read it for fun.

I'm sick. Again. God I hate this feeling. I don't want to be in this dusty old tower anymore. I want to be somewhere that feels like home. I want to feel independent. I want to see the world.

"Cringe, next page." Leafy sighed to herself.

I'm scared. I see a dark figure, standing in front of me. It's like my shadow. I feel like running, but I can't, I feel like yelling and calling for help, but I can't. Is it here to harm me, or to help me? I have not a clue, as the figure disappeared, like it teleported somewhere else. I look outside my castle to see the figure, and now I knew what it was. It was a bit blurry, but I know it was red with a mean look. It was in the shape of a leaf, like me. I don't know what type of creature that was, but it was evil.

"Evil Leafy? Wait, so that means Evil Leafy exists in this fairytale? Oh no. I have to go warn Needy- I mean Needle." Leafy woke Luna up, and later got on top of her. Just as Leafy was about to go, she got second thoughts.
"Wait, but if I stole her horse, she might hate me, and kick me out of B.F.B. But I have to warn Needle about this so she can spread the word. Oh no, what do I do?" Leafy got off Luna as tears started forming in her eyes while looking at Pin.
"Pin, please... I need to borrow your horse" Leafy tried waking Pin up, but Pin was still not waking up.
"Sigh, Pin please forgive me for what I'm going to do." Leafy said as she kissed Pin's forehead. Leafy got back on Luna, as Luna galloped through the woods at a fast speed. They eventually arrived at Needle's hospital, so Leafy went in.
"Hey Needle! I really need your help." Leafy said as she walked into the hospital.
"Uh ok! But what for? And where's Pin?" Needle asked.
"Pin is sleeping in the forest, but she's ok. So remember when I told you that where I came from there was a doppelgänger of me?" Leafy asked.
"Yeah?" Needle said, confused.
"Well, they're here too." Leafy said.
"Is it a bad thing? Needle still as confused as before.
"Yes! We must warn everyone immediately!" Leafy exclaimed.
"Alright, but I don't know if everyone will get the message." Needle sounded worried now.
"Well, try to spread the message as much as you can before the ball starts." Leafy said as she said goodbye to Needle and went back into the woods with Luna. Pin was still asleep when she got there.
"Pin, wake up!" Leafy kept repeating as she tried to shake Pin awake. Leafy already had an idea in mind. She got on top of Pin's lap and  kissed her on the mouth. Pin slowly started waking up.
"Uhh, w-where am I?" Pin asked once she was wide awake.
"We are still in the forest, dummy. Now get up, we have to get to the ball!" Leafy said as her and Pin got back on top of Luna. The lovely horse ran through the forest, into the neighborhood. Once they arrived, they put on their bow ties before entering the castle. Once they finally got into the castle, they couldn't help but realize that there were so many people, and some weren't even from B.F.B! There were people that came from a land called
Inanimate Island, or I.I. for short. Everyone looked so fancy there, with makeup and suits and dresses, while Leafy and Pin only had bow ties.
"Wow, it's very nice here." Leafy said as she started having memories of prom.
"Yeah, it really is. Anyways, I want you to meet some of my friends here, so follow me." Pin hold onto Leafy's hand as they walked through the crowd of objects. They eventually got to Needle, Coiny (with Firey because duh), and all of Pin's other friends. As Leafy introduced herself, Pin was thinking of a way to confess to her crush. "Here at the ball might be nice, but I can't do it in front of everyone," Pin thought. After a few minutes, Pin finally knew what she was going to do. After about an hour or two of chatting with people, the orchestra players started playing a slow dance song. While everyone was pairing with their partner, Pin found a back door to outside, where it had turned dark pretty quickly.
"Uh Pin, why are we going outside?" Leafy asked.
Pin held out her hand in front of Leafy.
"Would you like to dance, darling?" Pin said in a flirting tone. Leafy blushed.
"Yes! Hehe..." Leafy chuckled to herself as she grabbed Pin's hand and held her close.

She's My Happily Ever After (a leafpin story because yes) warning: cringeWhere stories live. Discover now