Prom Gone Wrong (Pin's POV)

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W-what in the..? Where am I? My vision was gone for like 3 seconds until I saw that I was in my room. I could smell eggs and toast from the kitchen. When I got up to go to the bathroom, i passed by leafy who was cooking breakfast.
"Oh hi pin!" She waved at me.
"H-hi leafy." I said.
I grabbed something from a cabinet in the bathroom, then went back to my room and closed the door.

Why does she have to be so cute? Why does she have to be taken? Why can't she be with me?
Why...? Why...? Why...?
I kept writing questions until I finally wrote,
Why can't I be her happily ever after?

I didn't want leafy to know, it could ruin our friendship. After all, I have a huge crush on her, and we just kissed yesterday.
"Pin! Breakfast's ready!" Leafy yelled.
I walked out of my room to the dining area. She gave me a plate of eggs with toast on the side. I ate it all, and it tasted way better than I thought.
"Hey pin?" Leafy said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"Are you going to the prom?" She asked.
"Nah, imma stay home." I answered.
"Don't you wanna go with me and firey?" She said.
"I'd rather stay home, prom is for losers anywa- not you though!" I quickly said.
"Oh well, have fun here, bye!" She said as she left my room. I sat on the couch, and teared up a bit.
"Out of all people, it's firey she wants to be with. He literally didn't let her onto dream island, for a freaking Ferris wheel, then blames her for it, and expects her to apologize! And she still wanna be with him. Sigh, I guess I'm just jealous." I say to myself.
I went to my room to take a nap cause me and leafy barely got any sleep (we stayed up till like 2:00).
A few hours later.
I heard the sound of banging on my door followed by a bunch of sobbing. When I opened it, I saw leafy there, tears running down her face, looking like she wants to die. I hugged her and took her to my bedroom so she could calm down for a bit. I cuddled with her, too.
"So, what happened?" I asked her.
"F-firey ch-cheated on me w-with someone else..." leafy stuttered.
"With who?" I said.
That stupid idiot. I swear once I see him again I'm gonna beat his a-
Leafy grabbed hold onto my hand and lied me down on the bed.
"P-please kiss me" she said.
I was blushing madly.
"Just k-kiss me..." she kept saying.
I did and we made out for a few minutes until she fell asleep. I carried leafy to her car, and drove her back to where she lived. I carried her to her bed and covered her up with a blanket. I called a taxi to drive me back to the hotel and looked outside to see a shooting star. I wanted my wish to be good so I though, and thought, and then asked my wish.
I wish I could be a part of a happily ever after.

(547 words. Got lazy with this one. Also f*** you firey and coiny)

She's My Happily Ever After (a leafpin story because yes) warning: cringeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang