Dragon (Leafy's POV)

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(Why am i listening to gay music I need to focus)

H-hello? Where am I? This must be a dream, it can't be. I looked through a window. IM IN A FREAKING TOWER WTF. I'm so scared of heights especially of when I was on the Ferris wheel with firey and- oh. It's all coming back. The last thing I remember was that pin was with me, and I asked her something, but idk what it was.

I looked around and found a staircase to the bottom floor, I guess. I thought that I could leave, but the staircase was broken. There was no way out. I looked out the window and saw a huge castle in the distance. Oh great, I'm in a fairy tale. I mean, I do want a happily ever after, but now that's not gonna happen, and now I'm in a story. I saw an old cabinet and I opened it to reveal some food, water and a book. I took the book and then realized that it was my diary. I opened it and realized most pages were filled. I read it carefully.

I heard there was gonna be a ball at the castle. I really wanted to go with prince firey, but he went with someone else, who I want to forget now. I really wish I could go with someone, or have something nice to wear at least. Ever since I got locked up here, the only times I could go out was when I had to get food and water. I can't believe how stupid I was for trying to steal nightmare lake. I wish I could go back in time and rewind this mess.

Oh great, I tried to steal a dream island rip-off and now I'm locked up in a horrible tower. A map fell out of the book. I grabbed it and observed the map. The tower was a few miles away from the castle, and the tower was surrounded by huge lakes and a cave. It seems there is a village near the castle. There was a huge wall for preventing people from entering the kingdom. I was going to eat some of the food they had, since I was starving, until I heard footsteps. Loud ones. I knew I was in danger, it could be a giant, or a monster, or even a-
I looked around the room, found a rope and opened the window. I tied it around a window hook and let the rope go. I checked to make sure it was tight enough, grabbed the rope, and climbed out the window. I kept climbing down until the ground started to shake harder, and then, something grabbed me.
I was face to face with a dragon.
My screams were nothing compared to the dragon's loud breathing. The dragon roared at me, his disgusting breath making me want to barf. The dragon brought me to his mouth, about to eat me, as I was fainting.
The last thing I heard was someone screaming and the dragon roaring in pain. He let me go and i fell to the ground.
"Ma'am! Are you ok? Please talk to me!"

(543 words. Cliffhanger because I'm evil 😈)

She's My Happily Ever After (a leafpin story because yes) warning: cringeWhere stories live. Discover now