Chapter 13

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Not a single ninja in the Elemental Household wasn't busy that day. 

Papers and stacks of money were littered across the table in the bridge as the occupants searched for an answer to the contents of the case.

The nindroid couple resided in the kitchen, with Zane scheduling a time to meet with the agency, and Pixal looking through the blank spots on the document in her hand.

Even Cole and Lloyd were looking through the courts' files and criminal records on a laptop. Though Cole ended up multi-tasking as he tried to reassure a frantic Vania over the phone that he was ok after she caught word of the incident.

By the time Wu suggested they all took a break, they were all eager to share any information they had uncovered. They all sat at the dinning table, fruit slices and biscuits in the centre, setting up a plan.

"So an idea that we came up with was that the criminals were going to flee Ninjago, hence the different currency," Nya started "though we have no explanation for the fake money."

"I managed to fill some of the blank spaces in the document. It appears that the parents were fighting for custody, yet when it was shown that neither were suitable guardians, the child was given to the only living grandparent," Pixal added, sifting through the report, "however neither the grandparent nor the child where seen a few months after this was established. What concerns me is that this all happened 3 years ago." The last sentence brought a sombre atmosphere with it.

Until Lloyd jumped in, "I think me and Cole found the grandparent," Cole turned the laptop on and scrolled down a little.

"Ms. Emma Cook, age 87. Disappears for weeks, then one day a grave with her name on it suddenly appears in a cemetery, and her charge goes missing. It's one of Ninjago's biggest unsolved cases," he recited. He looked up, "Cook. Sound familiar? Now I'm sure Wendy's parents had something to do with the criminals."

"It could be a coincidence, but I'm not so sure," Lloyd finished. The whole room fell quiet, thinking.

"Well we can confirm or deny this theory tomorrow," Zane suddenly announced, "I got through to the agency; they're willing to talk to us. We go at noon."

"Good job everyone," Lloyd announced, "But now we should probably eat something." As if on cue, someone's stomach growled, and small snickering turned into spontaneous snorts of laughter as everyone tried to eat the snacks on the table.


{Tomorrow at noon}

"Hey guys do we wear our gis?!"

"This isn't an interrogation, just wear something casual!"


"Cole do you need crutches or someone to lean on?!"

"I got shot in the chest, not the leg Jay. I'll be fine!"

"Why are we all yelling?!"

" I don't know, everyone get over here now!" 

"Where is here?!"



Finally, all six ninja and Pixal were putting on their coats or shoes while going over the plan they had organised. Once that was finished, they piled into a minivan they owned when they didn't require their large vehicles.

The nindroids occupied the front row with an extra seat to their left. Behind them were 2 rows facing each other. The remaining ninja sat filled up those seats, with yet another seat empty to the right of Lloyd. Those 5 chatted amongst themselves, with light-hearted teasing and small chat- occasionally with the two in front contributing their thoughts- the car ride was a quick one.

They entered the building and Zane went to speak with the person at the desk. Meanwhile, the others either sat waiting or looked around their surroundings.

The area was bleak; the walls were a sickly bright white and the room had shiny tiles in every inch of the floor. Some of the structure even had cracks in them. Definitely not the type of place children needing a home should be placed. They all made a mental note to ask when the place was last inspected.

After a long wait, someone entered the room and the group were led to a small office space. They were met with a man who looked like he would rather be doing anything else other than this.

He stuck his hand out, and Zane shook it. "Hello ninja, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He droned, almost as if he had asked this question one too many times.

"Well, we were hoping you might have the file on one of your cases. Her name is Wendy Cook," Pixal explained. The man sighed, and pressed his finger onto an intercom.

"Katie, could you bring the Cook's file please." A long pause, then a beep from the other side.

"Of course, sir, I'll be right up." The man smiled and looked at the group in front of him.

"There you go, are there any other questions you have?" It didn't sound like a question, it sounded like a dare. Almost like he was challenging them to question him. They didn't care though, they had concerns that needed to be voiced.

"Yes actually; when was the last time this place was inspected?" Cole asked, leaning against the wall. The man's smile dropped. Definitely not a good sign.

"That is private information that I do not have to disclose to you." Cole mirrored his frown, and the man gulped.

Cole got off the wall and slowly approached the desk, his teammates backing away cautiously.

"You actually do have to disclose that information, seeing as a person of authority is asking you about the safety of your staff and the children living here." His voice was threatening and the guy started shaking.

When Cole stopped in front of the man, he noticed the quivering fist that was being raised, and smirked. He pressed his hands against the desk and leaned right into the man's face.

"I was shot in the chest 2 days ago, do you really believe you can hurt me?" The hand went down, and Cole stood straight again. "Right then, when was the last time this place was inspected?"

"18 months ago."

The room fell silent, and Nya's voice pierced through it.



By the time they left with the files from Katie, the office had small pieces of rubble littered over the desk, the man was soaked to the bone and police forces were called to shut down the place and take the children to safer areas. Elementals Earth and Water fist bumped as they walked through the doors to the mini van, and the others trailed behind in pure terror at what had happened.

They didn't do anything to extreme, just flung dirt and gravel into the guy's face, then hurled some water at him, nothing that would get them arrested. They had the document now, and that's what was important.

Piling into the van once again, everyone calmed down and a new plan was set up. They were going to get to the bottom of this case, no matter what happened.

Even if that meant they got hurt by the truth.


Wow I did not expect to reach 13 chapters in this book! I did enjoy writing the last scene. I've always seen Cole and Nya as the main intimidators of the group.

Anyways, hope you're enjoying the story so far, even if the plot kinda went sideways. Everything will be sorted out in the end, and I'm really excited for the ending!

Until next chapter, goodbye!


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