The 12 Days of Caswen-mas

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A/N: This story has elements from Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh. The best holiday movie ever. LOL I went a bit extra on some of these one shots and made them long so that you guys would have RJ content while celebrating. If you celebrate Hannukkah, I mention that too.


The 12 days of Caswen-mas were exactly what they sounded like, the 12 days of Christmas with the Caswen family. That's right, the Caswens had children and they were going to spend the 12 days before Christmas trying to get them in the holiday spirit.

Ricky and E.J had been foster parents to 5 kids over the past 6 years. They didn't want to deal with homophobic adoption agencies or go through IVF surrogacy failures since they were a same sex couple so they choose to foster kids who were abused or neglected. And sadly, the youngest foster kid, Ava Mae wasn't in school all day since she was in pre-k which was half a day so she had to tag along by herself with one of her foster dads at work.

The oldest kid was Tyler came from a house fire and a family that was MIA after it. He had relatives who could take care of him and they said they were coming to get him. They never came so Tyler was back in the system. He was 16 years old and always fought with Ricky about being rebellious since Ricky was rebellious himself. Tyler was also secretly bisexual but never told anyone because his dads were too busy with the other foster kids.

The second oldest foster kid bought to the Caswen's was Maizie, who was a smart 15 and a half year old who was starting to go through puberty late. She was left behind when her brother turned 18 last year and got out of the stupid foster care system. Maizie had a 4.0 GPA and was proud of who she was. She told E.J that she did everything in honor of her brother. She was also a choir student. Miss Jenn convinced her to join the musical but she always took ensemble roles because she knew that she didn't want to be in the spotlight.

Then there was Rita who was also left behind. She had a poor mother who couldn't afford to feed her. She left her at a foster care home one day and the police found Rita outside by a swing. Rita was 15 years old but acted like she was 16. Ricky called her a handful and made her cry a few times but they always knew it was just father daughter arguments. Rita tried her best to make friends in middle school but always failed when kids learned that she was a foster child so she clung close to E.J when she got home most days.

The second youngest foster kid was Elias who was 7. He was the shyest out of all the Caswen foster kids and had trouble speaking because of his autism. He came from a very neglectful family and said that he missed 1st and 2nd grade because no one would take him. So Ricky and E.J took the liberty in registering him into a special needs school that was close enough to the East High bus stop.

Lastly there was Ava Mae who was 4 years old. She was the Caswen's youngest foster kid and needed the most attention. She came from a family who didn't want a toddler so they left her at the mall one day and the police couldn't find records of her parents. They registered her in the system because she wasn't an orphan. She had been in two foster homes before because she was a baby and grew up to be a toddler and soon a kid.

Rita and Ava Mae were fairly new to the Caswen family and had been taken in 6 months ago but already made close bonds with Ricky and EJ and their friends. Rita even had a part-time job working at Kourtney's boutique. She never told anyone there that she was a foster kid though.

None of the foster kids had positive experiences of having Merry Christmases. None of them spoke about the holiday except for Ava Mae who was interested in all the inflatables and lights in Target. Ricky and E.J knew that the kids had never had a great experience with Christmas since they were either coming from foster homes or abusive homes, so they had to do something. At first E.J thought that Ricky's idea to have the perfect Christmas for them wasn't a good idea since the older kids weren't interested in activities anymore but Ava told E.J that all she wanted to see this year for Christmas was to see it snow in Utah so that's what he was going to give her as a gift.

The 12 Days of R.J: Holiday One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now