Menorah Schemorah

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A/N: this is part two to 'The Caswen Christmas Cat-astrophe'. Here's a little something for all of you who celebrate Hanukah. I can relate to E.J in this one shot. LOL the Texts are for you serenitybymoonlight and this is a bittersweet one shot.


Ricky's POV:

It's been an extremely hard last 11 and half months without E.J by my side or his abs to take a nap on. When he left on New Year's eve to fly back to his apartment we had a moment at the airport where we just stood there and I cried into his shirt. I don't think that I've ever been emotional around a male before. I sobbed in the airport bathroom when E.J's flight took off because I knew that I wouldn't see him for a while. He had his L.A film program and his cats to keep him company and I had Big Red.

I was sneezing and crying at the airport since he had his cats in a carrier bag with him but I came to see him leave anyways. I wanted another famous Caswell hug and I wanted him to say that he wanted to come back to Utah, even though he didn't like it anymore.

Eleven and half months ago, he gave me the best Christmas present ever and we spent the best week together until he had to leave. We watched all the Christmas movies on December 26th on my small TV and I got over my cat allergies with him by my side until my dad came home hung over from his work holiday party. The rest of the week we spent time cuddling in my bed and fixing up my apartment so that I could finish off senior year. 

We also figured out our shit last December and came to a mutual agreement that our fight about Gina and Nini was stupid and silly. It was just high school teenage boy angsty rivalry about girls.  And he asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend but we waited until midnight on New Year's eve before he left to make it official on Instagram. I was still hurt back then from Gina breaking up with me over TikTok and still had those dumb cat allergies.

When the school year started up again, Gina to came to out to me as bisexual after the whole TikTok video break up thing. She had been in a long-distance relationship with Nini for a while but they recently broke up when summer vacation ended and things have been tense with Gina and I since. The Frozen documentary drama makes things even worse between Gina, Nini, and I so we don't talk about them.

That means that E.J an I have almost been dating for a full year since that Christmas cat-astrophe. And Gina and Nini have been broken up for almost 4 and a half months since summer vacation ended.

The whole wildcat group also finished filming that HSM reunion movie with the OG cast in the fall before the cat-astrophe so I spent my spring semester of senior year playing video games with Big Red who is still heartbroken over mashlyn. He just didn't show his emotions at Kourtney and Jet's party last year.

I also decided not to go through the whole ACT and SAT testing thing which means that I also didn't have a good chance in getting into any colleges. I choose to stay home and go to Salt Lake City Community College for a degree in teaching and hopefully apply for a state college in a few years. And I work at Salt Lake Slices since Kourtney left Utah.

And last but not least, my step-dad, Todd proposed and married my mom over the summer after I graduated from East High. I invited my boyfriend to the wedding that was in July when he had summer break but he had too much work to do at the film program, rent to pay over the summer, cats to watch, and his coffee shop job. I told him that I understood why he didn't come but he still feels bad for missing the wedding. I even told him that it was the worse and longest wedding I've ever been to because Todd is Jewish and the ceremony was too long for my liking aka 6 hours long. But we had a make-up date over thanksgiving break and he came to Utah without his cats. He said that his new roommate, Pearce was cat sitting for him. So now my wedding date blue's are all cured after we spent some time in bed together while my dad was out with Miss Jenn and Mr. Mazarra having a thanksgiving meal.

The 12 Days of R.J: Holiday One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora