Kwanzaa With the Caswen's Gone Wrong

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A/N: MPreg AU
Pregnancy concerns

Happy kwanzaa if you celebrate


Ricky's POV:

Every year, one of the East High alumni has held a holiday party. Last Year Red and Ash invited everyone over for Hanukah, even Nini came from LA. The year before that, E.J and I hosted Christmas and our 1st wedding anniversary party on Christmas eve. And this year, Kourtney and Howie are hosting a Kwanzaa party.

I don't know much about Kwanzaa besides that it last 7 days but I really don't feel like partying tonight.

I'm 35 weeks or 8 months pregnant with E.J and I's first bundle of joy. I feel like I'm gonna burst any moment and my feet are sore.

I don't even know if I'll be able to metabolize any Kwanzaa dinner foods. My stumach hurts from the baby kicking and I feel incredibly nauseous around food scents.

It turns out that my morning sickness lasts all 9 months instead of just during the first tri-mester. E.J knows that I hate it but every-time I get sick he reminds me that our bundles of joy are coming soon.

At least he doesn't have to carry the babies!

My plan is to try to get something in my stumach then ask E.J to drive us home early so that I can get some sleep.

Lately, I can't sleep. My back hurts and my feet are sore. E.J makes a great shoulder pillow though.

"Ri, are you sure you can handle an 8 hour drive Kourtney and Howie's place in Colorado? We can always cancel and stay in and watch Christmas movies. I'm driving since you can't fly anymore." I watch my husband pack the last of our bags for the week long trip to Colorado into our big SUV.

I'm not allowed to get on a plane anymore since my pregnancy is abnormal and not like female pregnancies. My doctor even wrote me a note and I thought that it was insane.

And E.J thought it would be good to get a bigger car for the babies' carseats.

Yeah, that's right we're having twins.

That's why I have double the morning sickness and double the heightened senses that make me nauseous.

Double trouble.

"Well, how else are we going to get there in time for the party?" I look at him with a fake smile since I am not backing out of another holiday reunion.

For Thanksgiving we had to leave early because I threw up in EJ's grandmother's bathroom and couldn't keep anything down. Her food was really good though and she was excited to see the twins. I was surprised she was still alive.

I feel like this is not going to end well with me being 8 months pregnant with twins on a road trip but I will do anything to see my friends again and make EJ happy.

"Ri, we have a reason to cancel. Don't feel guilty about it. I'd rather keep the babies safe at home than risk having you give birth at Kourtney and Howie's." I listen to my husband and lean my head on his shoulder since it's nighttime here in Utah.

I had a scheduled c section appointment so I didn't have to worry about going into labor but I was still terrified.

"I want to see Kourtney and Howie and the rest of the crew before we can't see them. We'll be busy with the twins." I try to convince him that I can go on the road trip but he still looks at me as if I'm in labor and need help.

I don't need help.

The babies are due at the end of January.

I am fine.

The 12 Days of R.J: Holiday One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now