The Caswen Christmas Cat-astrophe

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A/N: for my friend @serenitybymoonlight who loves cats, Chicagooooooh, and Caswen.


Ricky's POV:

I can't believe E.J pat me on the back and called me his brother at the Frozen Documentary Premiere. Brother is a term two fraternity guys use when they refer to each other. Brother is the meaning of the abbreviation for bro. If we're brothers it means that he isn't  mad at me for taking his now ex - girlfriend. Bro meant that he was straight as a pole. Bro meant that we were friends and brothers. What the-

We cannot be bros. I like the guy more than a friend and I want to break up with Gina. I just haven't told her yet. Gina and I have been together since the end of the documentary and it's finally winter break. That means that my brother is coming home to be my friend again. I'm in big trouble if I don't tell Gina how I feel before the straight guy I call my crush gets back to Utah.

Ashlyn even sends me texts on a daily basis reminding me that my love for Gina is not as strong as my love for her cousin. She even noticed that I went on more fun dates with Nini than ones with Gina. Ashlyn is unfortunately my bros cousin so she knows both sides of the story.

I know that my love for Gina isn't real now because I like E.J a lot and I know that I have to come out of the closet soon. Literally and figuratively, I am hiding in a closet. I'm at Jet and Kourtney's holiday party since Ashlyn is too busy with college stuff to throw one. Jet and Kourtney don't live together but they decided to throw a party together and surprisingly they are great hosts. I am hiding in Jet's closet because Gina is looking for me downstairs. I'm also in the closet because I'm bisexual and I only told Big Red who is bi too and Gina. He said 'good for me' and never mentioned it again. Gina is a different story.

I'm hiding from Gina because my other ex-girlfriend, Nini, is here and it's just awkward around both of them. I don't want to be cuddling with Gina while Nini is talking to Kourtney. It's just ruining the vibe of the party. I also don't want to see the look on my bro's face when he sees that both of our ex's are here and my arm is wrapped around one of them. Hence why I am in Jet's closet.

Jet and Maddox moved to Utah after the Frozen the Musical the documentary premiere. Life has been great with them around except for the fact that Maddox always brings up 'Rocketman'. It's E.J's stupid camp nickname. His stupid name that doesn't matter because I didn't even get one. I'm just mad that Gina never gave me a nickname. To her I'm just babe or Ricky the skater boy who plays an extra in High School Musical the reunion.

"Agghhhhh! You should say something before I come change in here. I forgot that you were in here." I hear Jet say as he steps into his walk-in closet in just boxers.

"You should've knocked before you came in just boxers scaring me half to death." I roll my eyes at him and get up off the floor so that he can change.

"For your information, it's my closet and you should join the party. Ashlyn and E.J just got here from the airport. We're about to talk about our new year's resolutions. Oh, and E.J bought his two cats from L.A they are so adorable. You should go pet them. E.J said the cats are neutered and have all their nails clipped." I watch Jet zip up his pants and put on a nice shirt.

Kourtney and Jet aren't a couple but they always crossed paths in the school hallways. Something is bound to happen soon, because I know the look of love on Jet's face.

"E.J this, E.J that. The dude called me his brother the last time we saw each other. Since when does he have a cat? Wait he has two? Is he like Taylor Swift? I'm allergic to cats. Doesn't he know that? Did anyone mention it to him before he bought then into the house?" I ramble while watching Jet dress up for Kourtney and the holiday party

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